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Books to read to my 7 year-old DD (similar to C S Lewis, Roald Dahl....)

41 replies

Rockdoctor · 05/12/2014 13:02

DD is a good reader but she still likes me to read "harder" chapter books to her. We'd been through The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by the time she started school. We've done most of Roald Dahl and most of Enid Blyton (she loves Malory Towers but seems to have outgrown Secret Seven/Famous Five). So... where next? I'm tempted to introduce Harry Potter at this stage, partly because I haven't read them.... and I've also thought about the David Walliams books but am wondering if the themes in these are still too old for her. Any suggestions?

OP posts:
Rockdoctor · 08/12/2014 09:11

Wow - thanks everyone.

We have dusted off our old copies of The Phantom Tollbooth and Professor Branestawm, and I'm compiling a list from the rest for Christmas presents.

Thanks again

OP posts:
Elllimam · 08/12/2014 09:16

Some of Diana Wynne Jones would be suitable for her age group. Maybe start with Charmed Life? Although there is death of parents but also true of Harry potter xx

OneLeggedCrabGoingInCircles · 08/12/2014 09:24

Marking page as need inspiration for my DD 7 who is just not as into books as her DS 9 who has read quite a few already mentioned.
DS is loving 'wonder' by R J Palacio at the moment.
DD is reading her DS wimpy Kid series so I'm just grateful for that.

Madcats · 08/12/2014 20:00

Oh yes, the Phantom T. I must buy that (and there I was feeling slightly smug about remembering to get hold of Stig of the Dump). I think it is nice to read a broad spectrum of books.

How to Train Your Dragon series are a big hit (especially after you have heard David Tennant narrating a book). It is a great set of books to read together if your daughter is struggling with expression.

DD is slightly quirky (not especially girly) so we devour anything with Chris Riddell's name on the cover.

A bit harder to comprehend we also like Stephen and Lucy Hawking's George books. I think we'll be re-reading those in a couple of years' time.

School seems to have some old classics abridged for kids and I've found I kept a few of my old books (hoarder here). She loved Alice, Gullivers Travels and Treasure Island.

We've done a couple of Harry Potters, but we'll save the later novels

My brother bought me The Hobbit for my 7th birthday, but I think I'll wait a year or 2.

Happy reading

ineedaholidaynow · 08/12/2014 20:23

I am currently reading The Phoenix and the Carpet to DS(9).
How about Paddington Bear books? DS is getting some of these for Christmas.

Phantom Tollbooth is an all time favourite book for me, DH and DS

girliefriend · 09/12/2014 18:30

My dd likes the Flat Stanley series as well....

Princessdeb · 09/12/2014 18:36

One of my DD's favourites is The Ordinary Princess by MM Kaye. A delightful tale with a very strong female lead character (and I love reading it too).

Cedar03 · 12/12/2014 17:41

My 7 year old has enjoyed:
Finn Family Moomintroll and other books
Pippi longstocking
A necklace of Raindrops and other stories by Joan Aiken
A book called Wobegon Twins which had lots of in jokes about horror films which went right over her head
100 mile an hour dog by Jeremy Strong and others by him

LeBearPolar · 12/12/2014 17:47

DS loved the E. Nesbit books and they kept us going for quite a while!

bebumba · 13/12/2014 19:54

The Indian In The Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks. It is the first book in a series about a toy indian that comes to life. I really enjoyed reading it :)

CrispyFern · 13/12/2014 20:02

Gobbolino the Witch's Cat?
Or seasonal, The Story of Holly and Ivy.

I think Swallows and Amazons is so dated that it would be enjoyed more by an older child myself.
Also, the Harry Potters get a bit scary later on, depending on how sensitive she is.

CrispyFern · 13/12/2014 20:05

Animals of farthing wood?

whisperinglow · 13/12/2014 20:10

My dd loves the Beaver Towers series by Nigel Hinton. Not too hard to read on her own actually but I have been reading them to my dd (same age) and we've been gripped!

DeckTheHoopsWithBoughsOfHolly · 13/12/2014 20:14

I think an introduction to Harry Potter would be OK, but only the earlier books for now.

How about The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? It's a beautiful story and my DCs all loved it.

fatwad · 19/12/2014 18:17

Crumble Tales is a short story collection and is getting some good reviews on Amazon for reading to children and enjoying it as well!!!

DeWee · 21/12/2014 14:48

Mine liked Arthur Ransome at that age; they are dated in some ways, but no more than Famous Five. I had to explain quarantine and mumps to ds for Winter Holiday, and why they couldn't go back to school (he was very envious) and I think one of those sparked in interest in old money for a while (calculating how many shillings he was paying was very funny at times) but that's it.

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