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How to train your dragon books. Who said they were great?

26 replies

moondog · 29/08/2013 01:58

They're total shite.
Why did I buy three if them?
We are all bored to tears halfway through first.

OP posts:
UptoapointLordCopper · 08/09/2013 19:10

I love them, and so does DS1 (9yo). I think the later ones are quite a lot more complicated. And I like that they talk about fitting in, about stereotypes, about slavery.

We went to see Cressida Cowell. And we love her too. Smile

And the movie is great too. Not the same, but just as good.

alterego2 · 08/09/2013 14:05

My DS loved them aged about 7. Then I stupidly let slip that they weren't really translations from an original Viking story and all the magic was lost. He never read another one Sad

derektheladyhamster · 08/09/2013 12:29

They're hilarious! But my 2 ds's didn't start reading them until they were junior age, I read them to ds2 as he doesn't have the stamina to read them all himself.

Loved the picture of Toothless doing a poo on stoick the vast's bed Grin

cazzybabs · 08/09/2013 12:26

I love them

HopeForTheBest · 05/09/2013 19:01

We tried the first one but I could not get on with reading it aloud; I think that once ds can read (he's now 6 but only starting school this year due to later starts here in Germany) he will enjoy them very much.
Absolutely loved the film, though.

ArbitraryUsername · 05/09/2013 19:01

DS2 (4) recognises himself in toothless too. It's lovely to see him so engaged in the story. He keeps posing questions out loud about how hiccup will manage to do whatever he needs to do at any point, and laughs at the names and jokes.

We'll happily take the books off your hands, moondog! Grin

miemohrs · 05/09/2013 18:58

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virgil · 05/09/2013 18:44

DS2 (6) loved the first one and I had to say I rather enjoyed reading it once I got used to it. It's a bit like Mr Gum I think in that it takes a while to get used to the style. Way Way younger than Percy Jackson/Kane chronicles which are aimed at a much older audience.

AnyoneButLulu · 03/09/2013 10:24

I think Toothless is one of the great comic characters of the last 20 years. Do you have cats OP?

Mind you my DC, who are not fussy readers at all, are very resistant to the HTTYD books, so on that front they're a failure.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 03/09/2013 10:16

I just love all of the voices that DT uses. Realise its his job to read it well and make it entertaining but got to admire him all the same.

JakeBullet · 03/09/2013 09:16

We have them as audiobooks read by David Tennant, they are meant to be read aloud with all the voices. DT does a superb job with them.... borrow from the library if you don't want to splash out, I promise you they are worth it.

Takver · 03/09/2013 09:12

Now I rather like the illustrations - they're obviously meant to have been drawn by the young narrator. Agree with reallytired they are good for young children (not just boys!) reading fluently - and there aren't so many modern books that fall into that category.

ArbitraryUsername · 02/09/2013 23:18

DS2 has just decided that he loves the how to train your dragon books. But he's only just turned 4. I quite like them.

But the illustrations are utterly dire. It's not often you look at the illustrations in a book and think, 'I really could have done a (much) better job myself'.

ToffeeWhirl · 02/09/2013 23:17

Both my sons loved them. DS2 read them when he was 7. Not my cup of tea, but I was happy to see him enjoying reading.

elkiedee · 02/09/2013 23:13

I have 3, bought them as a set, for me at the time but also thinking it might be something that the kids turn out to like at some point. I got them from the Bookpeople a few years ago so a set often costs less than one book.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 02/09/2013 23:10

And why did you buy 3? ShockGrin

ReallyTired · 02/09/2013 23:06

My son loved the How to Train your Dragon books. I think the reading level is quite high, in particular the vocabularly/ reading comprehension level needed for enjoyment. The books are good for a young boy with a high reading age.

shrinkingnora · 02/09/2013 23:02

Hated them. Dreadful.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 02/09/2013 22:58

We've loved the first 2 audio books read by David Tennant..

Takver · 02/09/2013 21:30

DD really liked them, probably starting age around 6 - 7. I'd agree aimed at a much younger age than Percy Jackson.

We all liked the film too - very different, but still enjoyable.

cornflakegirl · 02/09/2013 14:35

We've just listened to the first three as audiobooks and loved them. It can't all be down to David Tennant.

iseenodust · 02/09/2013 14:06

DS liked them. Clarty I would have them down as a younger read than Percy Jackson so maybe your DD is too old for them?


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miemohrs · 02/09/2013 14:01

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WafflyVersatile · 29/08/2013 02:04

I've mentioned them. My DN loved the first one. She's nearly 6.

ClartyCarol · 29/08/2013 02:03

Dd seems entranced by Percy Jackson, has tossed the Dragon books to one side without a second glance.

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