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Chapter books that your 6 yo enjoyed or that you enjoyed as a child?

51 replies

Whipple · 30/06/2013 18:26

DD1 (5yo) has enjoyed:

The owl who was afraid of the dark
Magic faraway tree etc
Mr Meddle
Amelia Jane
Dilly the Dinosaur
Teddy Robinson
My naughty little sister
Milly Molly Mandy
The Foxwood collection
Tales from Brambely hedge
Toys from Toyland
The giraffe and the pelly and me

She wants me to read Babe by DKS next, and then some of the Ronald Dahl books we have (the twits, Georges marvellous medicine)

I want to start buying more for Birthday and Christmas presents so would really appreciate any suggestions for a soon to be 6yo


OP posts:
MyNameIsLola · 02/09/2013 23:37

The Pongwiffy books by Kaye Umansky. My absolute favourites as a kid and my DS enjoyed them at 6/7 too.

elkiedee · 02/09/2013 23:31

Glad to see mention of Clever Polly and All About the Bullerby Children. Those and Fantastic Mr Fox would have been my favourites at 6. I read a lot of other Scandinavian children's books for some reason, there must have been some fashion for them. My mum's friend's mum translated quite a few of them (Joan Tate - she also translated lots of adult fiction). They're out of print but if you ever see any secondhand copies, do nab the Aurora books by Anne-Cath Vestly.

My 6 year old DS has begun to read a bit more fluently and is interested in non-fiction books, he's yet to move on to chapter books really, and is still at the stage of being read to/sharing books with us, though he will often sit there turning pages of a different book. I'd like to try and read chapter books with him a bit at a time but we have a 4 year old too, they share a room and this isn't likely to change any time soon, so bedtime stories tend to be picture books they can both enjoy.

Little House in the Big Woods and Little House on the Prairie would be good for a 6 year old, and it's a series for which the reading age moves up a little with each book, at least up to 10/11 or so. I loved Edith Nesbit and Joan Aiken, and I still enjoy them now, but I think they, and Noel Streatfeild, and Judith Kerr's When Hitler Rabbit, might be brilliant in a year or two rather than now. I sort of read anything and everything at 6, but it was partly because we were in China for a year and I was sent book parcels which I devoured.

littlecrick · 02/09/2013 11:19

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littlecrick · 02/09/2013 11:18

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Foosyerdoos · 20/08/2013 22:55

When I was little one of the first 'chapter' book I read was 'Olga da Polga' by Michael Bond.
I would also recomend 'king of the Copper Castle'

vwcampervanfan · 06/08/2013 20:53

Sorry for killing your thread OP Blush

vwcampervanfan · 06/08/2013 20:52

Sorry for kill

vwcampervanfan · 05/08/2013 23:39

Can I hijack and ask when you started doing this and which ones you started with? DD is 5 in nov and starts school soon, she loves books.

colditz · 05/08/2013 23:28


Don't forget to edit out the blatant racism though!

BlackeyedSusan · 05/08/2013 23:28
BlackeyedSusan · 05/08/2013 23:08

dd enjoyed reading:
the worst witch books
Mr majeika (all 14)
diary of a killer cat
dragons of waywood crescent
silver street farm books
the boy with the magic numbers
the worry tree

oh and 42 of the sodding rainbow fairies.

how about poetry books? eg lets recycle grandad?

or non fiction?

FCEK · 02/08/2013 14:45

Have tried pippi long stocking and faraway tree but dd either isn't ready for them or they are a bit too old fashioned now

FCEK · 02/08/2013 14:43

My dd likes Julia Donaldson, the magic finger, the enormous crocodile and Winnie the witch.

fuzzpig · 05/07/2013 16:10

Glad to see The Phantom Tollbooth mentioned. I remember this being read to us at infant school, and when I was ten I was in a local amateur theatre production of it. I was the Spelling Bee and wore a fluffy costume. 16 years later I can still spell antidisestablishmentarianism in under 4 seconds because I had to do it in the show! Such great memories from that book :)

fuzzpig · 05/07/2013 16:05

We haven't read many yet, so far we've done:

George's Marvellous Medicine (an A4, colour illustrated copy - useful as a first transition from picture books!)
The cat who wanted to go home
The penguin who wanted to find out
A Bear Called Paddington (halfway through now)

All books I read myself as a child :o there's a distinct advantage to working in a library and getting to choose everything... I have loads more lined up in my mind that I am desperate to share with her, but it will depend on what DD enjoys as we try things of course. Much as I'd love to force her to sit through every Famous Five no matter what :o

Itsjustafleshwound · 05/07/2013 13:12

Mr Majeika
Paddington Bear

DalekInAFestiveJumper · 05/07/2013 13:08

The Encyclopedia Brown books are fun, and The Boxcar Children. The Mouse and The Motorcycle, The Borrowers, Flat Stanley

cornflakegirl · 05/07/2013 12:43

I recently bought Emil and the Detectives for DS (well, for me really) after Michael Rosen was talking about it. Think it would be fine for a 6yo. It's a lovely story!

tunnocksteacake · 04/07/2013 21:11

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Morepeasplease · 04/07/2013 21:05

The Iggy and Me books by Jenny Valentine are brilliant. A kind of up to date version of My Naughty Little Sister stories.

vesela · 04/07/2013 09:15

The Little Bookroom (Eleanor Farjeon) - a collection of stories rather than a chapter book, but DD loves it.

Periwinkle007 · 02/07/2013 21:40

my parents kept loads and loads of our old books and I know how lucky I am to have them to pass on to my daughters. Especially nice to have the ones that are now out of print. also nice to see my handwriting in the front when i have put my name in them!


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Takver · 02/07/2013 21:06

The Anna Hibiscus series by Atinuke
Astrosaurs series and Cows in Action series by Steve Cole
And definitely, definitely Sophie!

EduCated · 02/07/2013 20:17

I loved and still do the Sophie series by Dick King-Smith. Actually he has a lot of nice stories for that age.

TeamEdward · 02/07/2013 20:11

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