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ds (11) has just finished the last Alex Ryder book. What could he try next?

9 replies

northender · 28/03/2013 22:32

He's almost inconsolable tonight as he's loved the books so much and doesnt believe he'll ever enjoy any books as much againSmile. He's also read Harry Potter, Lauren St John books among others. He recently read a teen John Grisham book and enjoyed that too. I'd welcome any suggestions as to what he could try next.

OP posts:
northender · 03/04/2013 10:53

Sorry for the delay in replying and thanks for all the replies. We're off to the library later so will make a start requesting some of them.Smile

OP posts:
PomBearWithAnOFRS · 02/04/2013 23:30

Skulduggery Pleasant?
Time Riders?
Those "George and the Dragon" ones, except I can't for the life of me remember anything else about them - "the last St George" or something like that...
Percy Jackson?
Mortal Engines?
Philip Reeve's "Hungry Cities" series?
Jack L Chalker's "Rings of the Master" series?
Anything by Douglas Hill
Anything (except "The Pendulum Swings") by John Christopher or John Wyndham
"Alvin Maker" series or the "Ender" series by Orson Scott Card
Anything by H.M Hoover
Robert Swindells, but some of his are aimed at younger readers - they're still enjoyable, but more "childish" even to an 11 year old iyswim.

seeker · 29/03/2013 12:31

The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, by Michelle Paver. My ds is 12, and is gripped. And he's an Alex Ryder fan too.

DottyDot · 29/03/2013 12:28

Ds1 who's 11 is currently obsessed with the Robert Muchmore 'Cherub' series - and he's a very fussy almost non-reader most of the time, but is loving them. And there are lots of them so if your ds likes them you've got plenty to go at!

MrsBartlet · 29/03/2013 12:25

How about the Young James Bond series by Charlie Higson? DS, 12 is enjoying the first one at the moment.

booksteensandmagazines · 29/03/2013 07:58

I run a website that reviews books for children aged 11+ and I have. A reading list for 11/12 year olds on it. This is the link:

Books that are not on the list but he may enjoy are Simon Scarrows Gladiator series and Alex Scarrows Time Rider series.

Coconutty · 28/03/2013 23:24

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northender · 28/03/2013 23:21

Tell me more. Haven't heard of that.

OP posts:
AndrewD · 28/03/2013 23:11

Joe Craig might fit the bill?

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