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c-section drains?

33 replies

BibiTwo · 03/08/2005 15:36

Has anyone had a drain after a c-section? If so, do you know why it was put there? I had my section 9 months ago and was in the recovery ward with another lady who had a drain in hers. The scream she let out when the nurse removed it still leaves me cold when Ii think about it. I could also hear the nurse explain to her why she didn't tell her beforehand how painful it would be, as she thought it was best to get it over with without the patient anticipating that much pain. I'm having another baby in march and plan a c-section and want to avoid a drain if possible -does anyone know anything about them?


OP posts:
GlitterGnu · 18/10/2021 09:33

I had an unplanned c-section two months ago with my son. I had developed a infection from being “exposed” a prolonged period of time after my amniotic fluid had ruptured prematurely. They placed the drainage pack after surgery, and I was sent home with the pack. Other than being annoying and in the way, it didn’t hurt. When I went to get it removed, I did not feel anything with the drainage pack, more of just the tape around the sensitive surgery area. THAT part hurt.
After labor, childbirth, surgery, recovery… That pack is nothing. You got this :)

Lorralorralaughs · 05/01/2018 22:20

Oops zombie thread..sorry!

Lorralorralaughs · 05/01/2018 22:19

I had a drain post c-section, but was so caught up in having a new baby, I never thought to ask why! My tummy was still so numb afterwards, it didn't hurt a bit when they removed it.

mears · 05/08/2005 20:26

Drains are put in when there is a concern about possible bleeding. However there are doctors who always use them because that is their normal practice (one of our consultants always uses them). You could ask that you do not have one inserted unless clinically needed. If there was a bleeding problem identified at surgery, then it would be better to have one so that blood loss could be observed more closely. Better that the blood comes out into a drain that collecting in the abdomen to cause pain and possible infection.

sallystrawberry · 05/08/2005 17:41

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CarolinaMoon · 05/08/2005 17:33

nice of your FIL to point that out to you...

BibiTwo · 05/08/2005 10:21

Drains are going to be totally abnned at my next section, I shall make sure it's the ONLY thing on my birth plan.

Brains shrink during pregnancy, or so my father in law tells me, so they could have whipped the rest of my brain out without me noticing during the section, that explains a lot actually

OP posts:
Beccles · 04/08/2005 20:02

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eidsvold · 04/08/2005 12:00

two sections and no drain either....

bundle · 04/08/2005 10:22

never had drain with either of my 2 c/s but also have deffo lost brain capacity, maybe when i wasn't looking.

aloha · 04/08/2005 10:13

No Twiglett, that wasn't the drain, you silly. They take your brain cells out when they remove the placenta.

Twiglett · 03/08/2005 17:58

I think liquefied brain cells drained out of mine

CarolinaMoon · 03/08/2005 17:58

does blood drain out of it? or general fluids?

There was a woman in the bed opposite me on the postnatal ward (cs bay) who had blood draining into a little bottle that she had to carry around with her. She looked amazingly chilled about it.

Twiglett · 03/08/2005 17:53

I am now wondering whether my drain was in any way related to the junior surgeon saying 'oops'

highlander · 03/08/2005 17:50

never heard of it. I certainly didn't have one.

aloha · 03/08/2005 17:47

I've also had 2 sections and no drain, and I've never heard of anyone having one either.

biglips · 03/08/2005 17:38

i know, i know... i need to go and have a cuppa to chill out

Twiglett · 03/08/2005 17:37

I think the surgeons have a pretty good idea when they're rummaging around in there biglips

biglips · 03/08/2005 17:37

doh!!! - i misread this thread as its at the time when you had given birth !!! didnt have a drain though

maddyd · 03/08/2005 17:35

It does however hurt if you forget about it and leave the bag attached to the bed rail and then get out of bed as i did. My ds learnt his first swear word

Agree with others though, wierd sensation, unpleasant but doesnt really hurt. Youll find your quite numb around the scar area anyway.

biglips · 03/08/2005 17:34

how do you know if you need it?

Twiglett · 03/08/2005 17:33

I had a drain after my 2nd c-section (but not after my first)

TBH when they removed it it felt uncomfortable, weird and unnerving but it didn't actually hurt as such


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nutcracker · 03/08/2005 17:25

With my first 2 sections I didn't have a drain. I'm not sure why but I think it is something to do with how much you bleed during the surgery as to wehter they put one in or not.

My 3rd section was at a different hospital and I asked during the section if a drain would be put it and the surgeon said no. About 5 minutes later though he changed his mind and did put one in.

I'll be honest, it does hurt when they take it out but not dramtically so. On a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being excruciating, i'd say it was a 6 or 7.
It's more of a strange sensation really as it moves along the scar.

biglips · 03/08/2005 17:21

(i had my section 9 months ago)

biglips · 03/08/2005 17:21

Drain?!?! !! noone mentioned this to me as never heard of it!!! (i had my baba 9 months ago).. how do you know if it needed to be drained?, is it that your belly bloated suddenly?

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