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2 replies

farmgirls · 31/03/2009 21:51

I didn't go to my 6 week check up after the birth of my first child 2 years ago and I'm not bothering with a doctor about this problem since they seem to just browse the internet for answers! which I can do myself.

My girl was a big 9 pounder and although the labour and birth was a straightforward vaginal birth, I definately had that 'dragging' feeling and heaviness below which can apparently describe a prolapse. I still have it now. I'm currently 7 months pregnant with my second baby.

I've asked my midwife whether it might be a prolapse but she seems indifferent.

What I'd like to know is, has anyone else had a prolapse or suspected one but not checked it out, then gone on have their second baby, if so how did it affect their labour?

I can see the ribbed 'back wall' of the vagina, a kind of bulging area, which does protrude very slightly although not outside of the flaps (whatever you call them! I forget..) but if I sneeze hard, then it moves! Sound familiar?

OP posts:
sommer2000 · 01/04/2009 16:49

I developed a prolapse after the first requiring ring pessary from weeks 9-15 of second pregnancy (and current one). I had no problem with second labour (having had a 2.5 hr pushing stage with first, delivered 9lb boy face to pubes following long op labour). Second labour induced at T+11 3hour labour 10 mins pushing. I don't think prolapse was any worse post delivery. Will see what happens this time currently T+9 induction monday if things don't get going.
Good luck

damdaffs · 01/04/2009 15:05

hiya farmgirls

nothing useful to add except im nearly 7 months with my second and think i have the same, also the proud owner of a varicose vein . feels like i am trying to retain a cannonball with my bits! bit worried about the state of things down there after the birth...sending you positive thoughts anyway

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