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How long for periods to come back after cs?

5 replies

Ewemoo · 19/03/2009 15:37

It is now 12 weeks since I gave birth to my dts. I haven't had a period yet and wondered whether this was normal. I had the contraceptive implant put in 2 weeks ago and I thought this was meant to make you bleed more than usual. Do I have a problem?

OP posts:
2Helenback · 20/03/2009 09:11

Had a good 6 months minus Aunt Flo. Bf'd for 7 weeks, then mixed feeds until 13 weeks. Don't think cs made a difference.

NellyTheElephant · 19/03/2009 21:01

I don't think the CS is relevant at all - it's down to your body and whether or not you are breast feeding. After both my CS my periods returned after about 10 months (i.e. about 4 months after I stopped BF). It can vary hugely form person to person so I wouldn't worry about it yet.

BoredWithWork · 19/03/2009 16:04

I think it varies person to person, I was 8 weeks after my cs. And I didn't finish bleeding until 6 weeks after the birth!

ilovesweets · 19/03/2009 15:58

I had a CS and my periods came back after 5 weeks. Am mixed feeding.

midnightexpress · 19/03/2009 15:38

Are you breastfeeding? That would make a difference. After ds1 I had my first period after about 12 weeks I think, but after ds2 (ho was fully bf) I didn't have a period for 15 months!

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