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if you were going to train physically for childbirth, what would that training consist of?

30 replies

swottybetty · 25/09/2008 14:44

i remember after last time thinking that nothing could have prepared me for labour, but wishing i was fitter.

has anyone had dif levels of fitness for dif labours and noticed any difference? my sister reckoned she only started getting period pain after she stopped horseriding in her late teens. apparently that not uncommon cause of the muscles used.

so can certain muscles be stregnthened and which ones and do you reckon itd make any differnce? is it all in the pelvis with a bit of stomach?

also, my back was buggered up badly by pregnancy last time. it's got help labour having strong, flexible back (and kness too i guess)...

finally in terms of physical prep, i think i'd include that fanny massage. begins with p - perenneal?? i did not do that last time. 3nd degree tear. anyone do that and with what result?

OP posts:
mckenzie · 03/10/2008 14:59

I did my own very unscientific research (make that very very) into this and discovered the following...

If you are fit and have a tight muscular toned body (think Paula Radcliffe, Kelly Holmes, a top swimmer) then your labour/delivery will be harder but your recovery will be quicker.

If you are overweight and not toned, your labour will be easier but your recovery will be harder.

These results are very general and no, I cannot prove them .
This research was carried out very crudely using nothing more than my friends, family, gym members, clients and articles in the press (ie Paula's birth story).

Romney · 04/10/2008 05:04

Lots of sleep!

Apparently the benefit of half of all training is in the recovery from the exercise.

bikerunski · 05/10/2008 15:52

DS is 4 weeks old. I was always very active and saw labour as an endurance event and trained as if I was preparing for a half marathon or long bike ride.

I walked miles and miles in the hilly countryside around me (stamina).

I swam a mile at least once a week (general cardio fitness).

I went to pg pilates and pg aquafit classes once a week (core strength).

(Also off piste skiing, mountaineering, huge mountain bike ride in snow and cross country running before I realised I was\pg).

Downside - stomach muscles so strong several midwives missed footling breech, so had an emergency c section at about 4 seconds notice.

Upside - have recovered from c section quickly. was walking around ward the same day.

Before the em c section, I had 7 hours of labour, which I coped with much easier than I thought I would, which I put down to all the exercise. Also, have put ob v little weight.

findtheriver · 05/10/2008 16:51

Walking and swimming. Also practised squatting without falling over (!) so that I could be in good positions during labour.

I know people have joked about the voice thing, but after my first birth I had an incredibly sore throat from screaming, so would definitely recommend deep breathing, and also expelling air in short puffs to avoid screeching.

Best way to avoid a tear is avoid an epidural, squat for second stage and have a controlled delivery.

Pruners · 05/10/2008 17:01

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