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constipation after birth-help

20 replies

mummy2bsoon · 12/08/2008 12:19

i had a baby 16 days ago...n i bn constipated since birth, go every 2-3 days..and it hurts

midwife sed take saptone

OP posts:
pigleychez · 14/08/2008 10:08

I was given fybogel sachets and lactulose after my 3rd degree tear.

Found the fybogel sachets worked well. Can get them in the chemist i think.
Stopped taking them but think i should restart as things are getting abit uncomfortable now

Sympathise with you.

Sawyer64 · 13/08/2008 15:03

I was advised to take "triple iron" after I had my DS as I had a PPH.

My MW suggested I took "double iron" alternate days instead,I did,and I wasnt constipated.

lauraloola · 13/08/2008 14:54

Bran flakes did the trick for me - A big bowl every morning x

Pannacotta · 12/08/2008 23:28

Drink lots and lots of water, limit tea/coffee as they can dehydrate you, also eat lots of fruit and veg such as grapes, raisins, prunes, figs, salad, all green veg and also orange and prune juice are good.
You can get linseeds from the health food shop which you can sprinkle onto cereal and they are great for getting things moving.
Would avoid white bread, pasta, eggs, cheese, also bran flakes as too much bran can irritate the gut.

Would prob try lactulose too as it softens things up.
Ask your MW about the iron supplement, agree that floradix ia better than most.

saralou · 12/08/2008 23:14

medications work in different ways

lactulose encourages water into the bowels and softens it

senna irritates the lining of the gut and encourages it out

if your on iron taking it with food and vitamin c can help the constipation (vit c helps the uptake of iron in the body)

fybogel works well too

babyphat · 12/08/2008 23:03

no experience post-birth yet, but my pregnancy constipation lifesaver is honey in hot water, first thing. i don't like the taste but it works well - but more gently than laxatives (clears everything out without leaving you with the shits for days).

Redwood · 12/08/2008 15:28

hi, I had this and also after a c-section which made it worse! I got a supplemant from my local health shop and it worked a treat, sorry forgot what it was called but they were very helpful.

amidaiwish · 12/08/2008 15:17

take the liquid iron supplement floradix as that doesn't consipate you
plus a gentle laxative like senokot or the fybogel sachets.

lots and lots of water esp if bf
lots and lots of fruit.
no bananas

if you take lactulose make sure you drink lots of water with it otherwise your poo will get sticky.

mummy2bsoon · 12/08/2008 15:16

been havin weetabix sinc ei gave birth, not helped!

OP posts:
MmeLindt · 12/08/2008 15:14

I took lacolose too. Milk sugar, you can just put it on your weetabix, really worked well.

You have my sympathies

mummy2bsoon · 12/08/2008 15:11

im having weetabixe and drinking loads, but i need to take sumting and stop this constipation

OP posts:
Dalrymps · 12/08/2008 13:34

You can take lactulose and it doesn't affect the baby through breastfeeding. I was prescribed it after my 3rd degree tear, should be able to get it at a chemists. It softens the stools as well as having a laxative effect.
I also ate bran flakes every day and drank lots of water HTH

PortAndLemon · 12/08/2008 13:32

Prunes, dried apricots -- or even better a compote of dried fruits with Greek yogurt and a little honey...

mummy2bsoon · 12/08/2008 13:30

my iron count is really low, so i have to take sumting...

senokot-cool im gona try gettin hold of it.

OP posts:
Mercy · 12/08/2008 12:40

The product I used is called Senokot ignore my previous spelling) and I was told it was ok to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It works anywhere from 10-12 hours after taking it, but I found it worked in less than that - meaning I had a rather early morning iyswim!

I think iron supplements can make constipation worse too.

MmeLindt · 12/08/2008 12:36

Ah, xpost, don't know why you are not supposed to use them when breastfeeding.

MmeLindt · 12/08/2008 12:30

These ones, or similar. Says on the website not to be used when breastfeeding though.

If you are taking an iron supplement, then that made me more constipated not less.

mummy2bsoon · 12/08/2008 12:28

yup im on iron tablets.. im breastfeedin, will it affect ma baby?

y not too early in evening?

OP posts:
Mercy · 12/08/2008 12:23

I had the same problem after my 2nd child.

I used Sennakot (sp?) tablets which worked straight away (make sure you don't take it too early in the evening btw!)

Isn't Spatone an iron supplement?

MmeLindt · 12/08/2008 12:22

Drink lots and lots of water.

Prunes are good, I used to get prune cubes, can't remember what they are called, will have a google for you.

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