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C Section Recovery - Left side pain

3 replies

georges1878 · 18/06/2022 12:13

Hi everyone,

I am nearly 4 weeks into my C section recovery and I'm generally feeling much better, but there is still a pain on my left side around the incision. It is hard to describe but when I move it feels like it pulls and is almost a sharp pain that can cause me to cry out sometimes. I still struggle with getting out of bed/standing up etc. It doesn’t really hurt when I'm not moving unless I’ve just pulled it.

It's always been there and I did mention it at my last check and they said it was fine, but that was at 1 week postpartum and I'm now worried it's not getting any better whilst the rest is healing well. The skin is slightly raised, but it’s been like this since the beginning and it isn’t red and doesn’t look like swelling.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar? I’m getting nervous it might be something more permanent and upset that I’m still so restricted in my movements :( Thank you!

OP posts:
georges1878 · 21/06/2022 08:25

Thank you both for taking the time to reply :) That makes sense! I’m seeing my doctor later this week, so hopefully all will be okay.

Thanks again!

OP posts:
Aksbdt · 20/06/2022 20:47

After my first c section I always had one side that hurt more and the scar and skin was more raised; the doctor told me that it was likely that they’d had to pull harder in that area to get baby out which made sense as my baby was transverse and that was the side her head was. It did get better and hasn’t had a long term effect.
4 weeks is still very early; I’d mention it at your 6 week check if it’s still worrying you

Hiddenvoice · 20/06/2022 20:39

Hi I had something similar in my left side. The doctor told me it was likely where the surgeon pressed hard to stretch my skin. They said it could take weeks to heal as my body returned to its shape. I then spotted an infection on the left side of the wound. It wasn’t completely noticeable but since I’d been checking it daily I noticed it pretty quickly . It was just a small red lump. I was on antibiotics for 2 weeks and it cleared up and I’ve since not had any pain.

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