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Induction - Pessary vs Drip contractions

9 replies

faelavie · 17/10/2019 14:57

I'm booked for an induction on the 22nd when I'm 40+10, and have a question about what it's like being induced with prostaglandins (pessary/gel) compared with the syntocinon drip. I've read that contractions can be much more intense with the drip. Is this also the case with the pessary etc?
(Assuming hyperstimulation of the uterus doesn't occur...)

OP posts:
PixieDustt · 20/10/2019 22:57

I was induced. First round 2 x pessary's and gel. Nothing worked. 24hr break. Second round 2 pessary's and I was finally 3cm dilated. Went on my knees and within an hour of having my water broken I was 10cm dilated so didn't need the drip to help me dilate, thankfully.
Overall, I didn't find labour that painful but that could just be my experience! I had gas and air but it was bearable not sure if I got pregnant again if it would be the same experience, I hope so! 😂

NearlyBaked · 20/10/2019 14:06

Pessary and 2 rounds of gel gave me contractions that went from period pain to really having to concentrate to breathe through them.
Syntocinon contractions were too much for me and I got an epidural. It was lovely Smile

purplepolo · 20/10/2019 00:54

I had a sweep and propess inserted at 12.30AM , started off as period pains, after a couple hours the pain got alot worse. Nothing in my back like i was expecting, it was all just pure period pain horridness, and it didnt stop. The pain was just continuous. Body started pushing on its own, waters went, and she was out by 5.24AM. Nice and quick! But very painful, and where they didnt actually think i was in labour I was offered no pain relief which was crap lol

KHR1 · 19/10/2019 10:17

I found the pessary contractions were fine, they just felt like slightly harsher braxton Hicks at first. They got a little worse over a few hours but bareable. I didn't like the drip at all. My midwife had forewarned me that most people she knew who had the drip asked for an epidural and a friend who is a midwife and was dead set against that, asked for one to start before they turned her drip on. They told me the drip would take 2 hours to kick in but after half an hour the contractions were a lot more intense to the point where I had an epidural. They were really painful but I went from 1cm when the pessary was inserted at 8am, to 2cm when my water broke naturally at 6pm to 4cm at 10pm then the drip was started and I was fully dilated at 2am. The midwife said this was probably why k was finding it so painful as they didn't expect me to be fully dilated/giving birth until lunchtime but baby was born at 5am.

faelavie · 18/10/2019 09:24

Thanks so much all for your replies!
I am so nervous but just want to meet my baby now!

OP posts:
charley39 · 17/10/2019 21:31

I was induced and had the pessary inserted at 12.30pm and the pain/contractions started within an hour. Delivered baby at 22.30. I second that once they broke my waters it was extremely quick! Good luckSmile

20viona · 17/10/2019 16:22

I was induced 14 weeks ago. I had 2 prostin pessarys 6 hours apart which took me to 3cm with no regular pains. They broke my waters and baby was born 2 hours later! Fast and furious would describe it, soon as those waters went Jesus wept it was crazy. No time for anything except gas and air.

VanillaSmile · 17/10/2019 15:41

I was induced a few weeks ago with my first baby, so I haven’t experienced spontaneous labour for direct comparison. One of the midwives did say after my contractions really picked up that they can be a bit more intense because your body is being made to do something it’s not ready for.

My waters went spontaneously after a night of regular contractions, and I found that to be the biggest leap in intensity. The drip wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.

shazzz1xx · 17/10/2019 15:16

I was induced 11 week ago and I had 2 lots of perseerys and 2 lots of gels nothing worked.. soon as the pit drip in my vein I started with contractions straight away.. INTENSE lol so had epidural and it was awesome after that.. good luck xx

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