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Weird discharge and lumps after childbirth

10 replies

littlefrog · 18/07/2007 21:51

This is all a bit yucky, so sorry! (and long...)
Had first DS 3 months ago: home birth, all went really well until right at the end when I was told he had passed meconium and I needed to get him out fast - which I did, resulting in a 2nd degree tear. (Aside: he has a gigantic head)
Tear then got infected, so I was on antibiotics for a week.
All quite painful for a while, but seemed to be settling.
Then had a few weeks of yellowy discharge; nothing turned up on a swab, but was given metronidazole pessaries which reduced the discharge.
Then, while still using the pessaries, started to bleed a bit - thought it was my period, but (this is really horrid) when I put a tampon in felt something like a cherry just near the entrance. Really freaked out (was abroad at the time); even more so when on removing a tampon later that day the 'cherry' broke off! Was about the size of my finger nail, a bit flatter than a real cherry. Bled a bit, but that was the end of it, and on reflection I think I was probably bleeding from there all the time, not having a period at all.
Then, having a bit of a feel, I realised there still were two other little round blobs.
Anyway, I went to the GP after getting back and she says that they are vaginal cysts and not to worry: they will either go away or won't, and are benign.

The thing is: they're really close to the entrance, and may have been the reason why sex was proving a bit uncomfortable (haven't tried again since finding them). Am a bit uncomfortable all of the time down there anyway. And am just quite freaked out by these lumps anyway.

What do I do? Follow GP's advice and try and ignore it all? Go back and ask for a referral? Has anyone else had anything like this? What did you do??

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littlefrog · 22/10/2007 16:00

Just in case anyone ever looks through the archives with similar symptoms...
I finally had my gyn appointment in mid October, about 3 months after being referred.
Between the last posts and the appointment I'd had another episode of detaching lumps and bleeding - the bleeding has turned out to be my period ( as thought bf was meant to suppress it!). Second detached lump sent off for histology which showed it was just 'granulation tissue'.
So, gyn said everything basically seemed alright, though scarred, but that if I wasn't happy with it there were 3 options:

  1. Wait and see (wait till I'm done bf - which might not be until we conceive no. 2, so a bad idea)
  2. Operate (not advised, as not 'bad enough' - which I agree with)
  3. Ultrasound and oestrogen cream - which is what I've gone for.

    Ultrasound involves 6-8 sessions over 3-4 weeks, so a lot of trekking to hospital. The physio said that I shouldn't expect any very rapid changes, as it usually took at least 3 weeks and often longer before seeing anything. However on the Thurs (1st session Monday) she said in amazement that it looked better, and I'd wondered if it was starting to feel a bit more supple - and I'm pretty sure that it is feeling a LOT better than it was.
    So, I know I've been lucky compared to lots of people, in that my scar wasn't terrible, and (for eg) sex has been possible, but really, this has been brilliant. So, if anyone is having similar problems, do give it a go.

    (sorry this is long - i know that when I was searching to see if anyone had had what I've had, it often felt as if stories stopped half way, and I never knew what had happened, if treatment worked etc. etc.)
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mimicakey · 24/07/2007 10:27

Well done littlefrog!

MrsTittleMouse · 23/07/2007 19:54

Glad to hear that things are moving forward for you.

littlefrog · 23/07/2007 19:26

went back to gp who said actually she think they aren't cysts but tissue, and has referred me to the birth injury clinic - so thanks for encouraging me to pursue this: I feel happier about it, though still upset that it's uncomfortable getting on for 4 months on!

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littlefrog · 19/07/2007 22:07

thanks folks, and i will go back next week and have another wail.
Alexw, what was involved in having them removed? What kind of scale of operation was it?
thanks for the moral support, anyway: I'm feeling quite depressed about this, and it's been sore again today...

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GrimoireThief · 19/07/2007 10:11

Hmm, I don't think "ignore them" was very good advice. Not because there's anything dangerous about them I'm sure, but because if they're making you feel uncomfortable then you can't ignore them.

Agree with mrstittlemouse re: GPs and anything odd post-childbirth. Ask for a referral or even just a second opinion/treatment options.

mimicakey · 19/07/2007 10:08

Sounds like your GP is a bit mean and lazy! If it's causing you stress, insist on getting them taken out. Esp if it's affecting your sex life.

alexw · 19/07/2007 09:03

I insisted on referral for exactly the same thing. Had them removed about 2 months ago. Things much better now.

MrsTittleMouse · 19/07/2007 08:44

I haven't had cysts, but if I was you, I'd go back to the doctor. I have found (through bitter experience) that GPs tend to dismiss any concerns about weird stuff after childbirth. "Not too worry" because they are benign was an important message for her to give you, but you have lots of other questions too that you need answers for.
Good luck!

littlefrog · 19/07/2007 07:31

can't anyone help?

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