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Any tips?

6 replies

LucyLou19 · 19/09/2018 12:59

So I’m 39+5 and had three stretch and sweeps since last week I’ve lost all my plug and when I got examined yesterday she said my waters was bulging and I was easily 1-2 dilated...I’m walking lots,on my gym ball and wondering if anyone has tips to get things going? Xx

OP posts:
LucyLou19 · 19/09/2018 19:32

Thanks ladies 🤣🤣yep I don’t wanna share to be fair haha xx

OP posts:
Heatherbaby · 19/09/2018 19:00

Happy birthday @lucylou19. Although if I were you I'd selfishly hold off, if you can, so baby doesn't steal your thunder and your birthday! Grin

ShowOfHands · 19/09/2018 18:55

Happy birthday!

The old wives tales don't work (and raspberry leaf is a uterine tonic meant to shorten your pushing stage, bog all to do with labour starting). Sounds like your body is doing precisely what it needs to. Not long now. Congratulations.

Ikabod · 19/09/2018 18:51

@LucyLou19 Happy Birthday! I hope baby comes along soon 🤞

LucyLou19 · 19/09/2018 17:25

It’s my birthday today so I’m very happy haha! So might start tonight when I’m eating my Chinese 😂😂

OP posts:
Heatherbaby · 19/09/2018 14:52

Hard to know what works! Id try spicy food and rigorous (as u can manage without wasting too much energy) activity such as brisk walking or chores like vacuuming. The other usual suspects that are advised are sex and raspberry leaf tea. I did everything mentioned above when i was overdue so not sure what did the trick. However they do say labour is triggered by the happy hormone of oxytocin so more likely when you're relaxed. Mine was at the end of a busy day doing all of the above when I settled down to watch t.v. with a cup of tea and chocolate last year.

Best of luck x x

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