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Thoughts on giving birth the second time round?

10 replies

Rose2887 · 24/05/2018 07:06

Is it different? I last gave birth when I was 21 to dd and I’m now 31 and terrified about doing it again...
I’m quite petite so had some trouble and has episiotomy with forceps then ventouse...
I was told because I’m so petite it would be a similar labour and I just don’t want to be cut again :(
I only just over 9 weeks so got a long way to go but it’s something that’s playing on my mind... plus this time I’m already showing so worrying about a bigger baby etc! Xxx

OP posts:
Nomad86 · 27/05/2018 16:06

Episiotomy first time, straightforward birth in the water the second time. Much better, less painful and quicker.

WicketWoo · 24/05/2018 11:35

Hi OP. My first birth was similar - 48 hours long, baby was stuck, venteuse/forceps etc. My second was a breeze. All done within a couple of hours start to finish, gas and air at the end and home 2 hours later.

I am also little at 5'.

dinodiva · 24/05/2018 08:59

Had my second last week, like others my first was induction, epidural, episiotomy, forceps etc. Ended up staying in hospital for 2 further nights as well which didn’t help.

For DC2 I had a natural water birth with just G&A and although it wasn’t an easy labour and I do have a second degree tear along the old scar, it was so much better. Was home after 6 hour check which made for a much happier recovery. He was just under 9lb (my first was 8) so a pretty good size!

MattLeBlancVest · 24/05/2018 08:29

My second was so much better. Even though baby was 1lb 6oz bigger I found it much better and it was shorter.

First one was hideous with lots of intervention, rips and a very long recovery.

Good luck.

Rose2887 · 24/05/2018 08:07

Smile thanks ladies, feeling a lot more calmer now xx

OP posts:
pinkpanther84 · 24/05/2018 08:05

I'm petite and first labour was horrible, long and ended with episiotomy and ventouse. Second labour was less than 3 and a half hours from first contraction to baby. Got to the hospital and baby came about 10 minutes later! Was so surprised, didn't believe my midwife when she said second labours are often a lot quicker!

Rose2887 · 24/05/2018 07:30

Thanks everyone I was induced first time round which I guess makes it more intense.. I just had gas and air as I’m not keen on the thought of an epidural...
I’m only 5ft 1 and about 7 stone 4 so quite small framed, obviously I’ve now gained weight Grin
I’m sure it will be fine just worrying as it’s got to happen....

OP posts:
CoodleMoodle · 24/05/2018 07:22

I understand OP! DD's (now 4) birth was horrendous - preeclampsia to start off with, then 12 hours of labour until they finally did an episiotomy and ventouse delivery. It was all such a rush at the end that they didn't have enough time to let the anaesthetic kick in for the episiotomy (which I didn't realise as I was so out of it). It was hell. Nobody really told me what was happening, the doctor doing the episiotomy shouted at me not to use the epidural button... Awful.

Currently 32 weeks with DS and have been assured many times it'll be better this time! I've discussed it several times with medical staff now, and they've all said it shouldn't happen again.

I'm petite (5"3 and pre-birth weighed 7stone) and DD was 7 lbs something - she was perfect once she eventually emerged.

Sorry for the long post but I understand your worries. Hope it goes well for you Flowers

ImAGoofyGoober · 24/05/2018 07:12

2nd time was way easier for me. Pain was less of a shock, everything was looser and it was so much quicker.
If you can then go for a water birth, even if they’ll just let you in a corner bath or something.

OhSoTotallyLost · 24/05/2018 07:10

2nd time was so much better! First time Waters broke early ended up being induced with failed ventouse, episiotomy and forceps - ds1 was 6lbs 15oz.

Ds2 was 8lbs 11oz, easy, quick (but not too quick!) labour with just a tiny bit of gas and air and no need for stitches or anything. So much easier even though he was much bigger. I felt a lot more prepared the second time and possibly more relaxed despite the bad experience first time round.

Not sure if it makes any difference but I'm 5ft3

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