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Does anything happened to you around when your monthly cycle is due? TMI

3 replies

BabyMadwithBump · 17/05/2007 11:41

12 weeks I had really painful cramps and alot of cervical mucus!

about 16 weeks lots of watery CM with cramps (I had to go to the hospital and have a scan due to doctors thinking that my waters had gone)!

20 week lots of cramps but I don't know weather that was down to my 20 week scan!

24 weeks big plug (bigger than a 50p) of CM and light cramps!

28 weeks again a big plug of CM and light cramps!

MW said it was down my body still doing it's monthly cycle thing has any one else had/got something happening to them around the time when there cycle would be due?

OP posts:
cedar12 · 01/06/2007 15:21

I felt cramps etc every month with dd

lulumama · 20/05/2007 13:48

some women have periods all through their pregnancy ! hormones are strange and wonderful things

i had spotting and bleeding on and off in first pregnancy, cannot remember if it was at regular intervals though !!

jellyjelly · 20/05/2007 13:46

I have heard this theory and noticed a few odd things when i would have been due. It also happens to some women when they have had all their bit removed.

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