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I'd love to hear some "going into labour naturally despite being overdue and thinking it would never happen" stories

47 replies

Etarip · 04/12/2017 03:57

I'm so fed up. 41 weeks, 2 sweeps down and desperate to have this baby!!!

Please tell me your positive stories about going into labour naturally after being overdue. I'm feeling achey and keep getting the odd Braxton hicks but other than that...nada.

Feeling very down in the dumps...

OP posts:
PotatoesGunnaPotate · 16/12/2017 23:33

I was 11 days overdue (3 failed sweeps), me and DH went to the hospital at 8am as I was booked in for induction. I was checked over, I was 2cm or so dilated but not in labour. A pessary tablet was put "up there" around 9:30am. I was check again at 12ish, Midwife broke my waters then. She said she'd come back at 2 to set the induction up (plug me into the drip). Luckily at 1:45pm I started getting dull back pains on and off. Midwife was delayed and came back to see me at 3pm. She hooked me up to the monitor and confirmed I was having contractions, I was given a birthing ball shortly after. Contractions got stronger and stronger in my back. Midwife came at 4:30pm asked if I would like to use the birthing pool. I though hmm why not, at this point I was bouncing on the birthing ball a lot as it seemed to help me get through the contractions. At 5pm I was given gas and air (felt very high the first few puffs) shortly after the feeling high novelty wore off but the gas and air was still helping. Eventually contractions made their way round to my bump (felt like very strong cramps) At 6pm I entered the birthing pool (takes 1 hour the fill the pool) luckily I could still use gas and air in the pool. I was in the pool for 3 hours 5 mins. At 9:05pm my beautiful daughter was born in the pool. I delivered her myself. I was pushing for 30mins, at the end my Midwife said, "grab her" as I pushed her out I help her and brought her up to my chest. Most beautiful & proud moment of my life. She weighed 7lb 12oz. I'm very pleased I did not need to be induced, if I did I wouldn't of been able to go in the birthing pool. I would highly recommend the birthing pool, I will hopefully use one the next time I give birth.

Evie May
7lb 12oz

MissWilmottsGhost · 15/12/2017 17:28

I had DD at 41+2 after 2 sweeps and much dithering from doctors about induction. Simple natural labour with no complications in the end.

The last few days are so tedious Flowers

MiniAlphaBravo · 15/12/2017 17:22

Yep both times, 10 and 13 days late. Happened after third sweep both times I think. It's really normal to be late. You can choose not to be induced if you don't want to.

Nomad86 · 15/12/2017 17:18

Went 10 days over with second baby. I was getting extremely nervous about being induced. Midwife tried to do a sweep but failed as I'm "too long". Spontaneously went into labour on day 10. When DS was born, the midwife said no way was he that overdue and they must have got my due date a bit wrong. Nice easy birth, quick and in the water like I wanted. Baby wasn't too big either like I was worrying he'd be.

WhoAteAllthePercyPigs · 14/12/2017 04:50

With DD, I went into labour at 40 + 7. Had the sweep that morning, was booked in for the induction three days later so was very glad when it happened naturally! Had a lot of pineapple and raspberry tea the day befire but think it was just the right time (I was already a bit dilated when they did the sweep).

With DS he was four weeks early but that's another story..

Good luck, I remember how frustrating the wait is!

sycamore54321 · 14/12/2017 03:48

I can't believe it has taken two pages and nobody has mentioned the huge importance of being extra vigilant with kick counts once heavily overdue. The risks of stillbirth go up with being overdue and while of course, large number of babies are just fine, some sadly aren't. Please anyone reading this thread for advice make sure you know exactly what you should be doing to monitor kicks and the baby's activity and please seek urgent medical help at the slightest concern. Please also discuss the question of risk with your doctors and make sure you fully understand the choices you make.

Inductions may not be your preferred option for your baby to enter the world but I have had very positive experiences with both my inductions (different reasons) and I am forever grateful for the fact my inductions led to heathy babies in my arms.

I know in some ways it is a light hearted thread to vent a bit about the frustration of late pregnancy. I really do wish everyone on this thread safe, healthy, positive outcomes and experiences. But please count those kicks and please make sure you understand what is going on.

And finally, surely nobody believes this: "In China they often use acupuncture instead of anaesthetic for major heart surgery. Nothing woo about it, we Just don't have the science to understand it yet." Granted, there are reports of extremely rare cases of acupuncture being used alongside modified anaesthetic techniques. Definitely not routine major cardiac surgeries carried out with nothing but acupuncture. And even if there were, that still tells us nothing about onset of labour.

GardenDreamer · 14/12/2017 03:09

That’s so reassuring! I’m in the same boat, I’m 41+5 today and they will now monitor me everyday because I do not want to be induced - regardless I’ve had to give in to an arranged induction in one week when I’ll be 42+5. I livid and I’m dreading it - had 5 sweeps but only 2 of them were slightly successful and not really ‘full’ sweeps as my cervix is still shut basically.
I’m so depressed about it - I’ve been crying and crying and crying this evening as a result - so your story is consoling!

TheMildManneredMilitant · 05/12/2017 09:08

Booked in for induction at 42 weeks, attempted sweep the day before - couldn't even reach my cervix. 3am on day of induction I start getting contractions, baby born 24 hours later in midwifery unit with no interventions. Hang in there, either way you will be meeting your baby very soon.

notsureifimbeingur · 05/12/2017 00:50

I went into labour naturally after 2 failed sweeps and 1 sweep that worked. On the day I went into labour I was 9 days overdue. I did a grocery shop, walked 2 miles, scrubbed bathroom floors, bounced on gym ball, drank rasp leaf tea and stimulated my nipples, and finally went into labour at 8pm. Got a 8day old snuggled into me just now!!

Xoticdreamz · 05/12/2017 00:45

Been late with all three , only the first one induced . I went to bed and woke up in labour with the other two. They all come out!

Bluefrog26 · 05/12/2017 00:44

Booked in for an induction at 41 + 5 (really gutted) but Baby came the day before! Yay!

Addictedtothisbloodyforum · 05/12/2017 00:33

Woke not some

Addictedtothisbloodyforum · 05/12/2017 00:33

I was 41+5 and some with mild niggles , next thing full blown labour and mega contractions . Arrived at hospital and gave birth with my coat still on . Labour recorded as 4minutes on my notes . No time for even a paracetamol . It all happened so quick . It was scary but amazing

Whizziwig · 05/12/2017 00:24

Mine were only a few days over, but it was still torment. Things that seemed to start them off:
DC1 vigorous bouncing on the birthing ball
DC2 eating almost a whole pineapple. It may have just been a coincidence and it gave me terrible heartburn but the contractions started within a few hours.

Bummybum · 05/12/2017 00:20

42 + 3 and ds short out at home with not so much as a paracetamol.

Misspilly88 · 04/12/2017 23:18

Spontaneous with my 1st at 10 days over.
Induced at 14 days over with my second. Preferred second though, even though I was hoping for a very relaxed home birth. First took 3 days, second took 6 hours.

Anettelondon · 04/12/2017 23:15

Try acupressure, easy to do and it helped me to go into labour. If you donit right you can actually feel weird sensations in your belly so look it up and do it every hour,
Good luck, 1 sweep and one day of massage helped me to go into labour delivered in 7 hours

BelafonteRavenclaw · 04/12/2017 22:16

Went into labour naturally with DS1 at term+12. I was booked in for induction the next morning anyway so I think he knew his time was up.

Uhohmummy · 04/12/2017 22:06

I went into labour naturally at 41+5 with DD1. I'd had a couple of sweeps but the last one had been a couple of days before. I did go for a long walk earlier that day - maybe that helped?
Good luck!

Hassled · 04/12/2017 17:02

I went to 42 weeks on the nose with DC1 - they said "come in on Saturday and we'll induce" (this was years ago when they didn't talk about induction until 40+14). Early hours of the Saturday morning my waters broke and he was born 5 hours later.

thefraggleontherock · 04/12/2017 16:59

I was induced with ds 1 and 2 just resigned myself to the fact I would be again.

Midwife decide to give me as long as possible, booked me in for induction at 42 weeks and he came himself at 41+6.

Started with mild pains at about 7pm then woke up in full blown labour at about 3am, he was born at 5:40. I had no signs or anything before, I'd only been at the midwife that day and even she thought I'd have to have another induction! Hopefully it will just happen! Good luck!

MadisonAvenue · 04/12/2017 16:14

I went into labour naturally with my very overdue second baby. I was 40+14 and was booked to go in for a induction. I woke at 4am with horrible backache and my husband rang the hospital as he was convinced I was in labour but I just thought I'd slept in a funny position. I was told to go in and get checked over. My waters broke on the hospital car park and I just about made it into the delivery room before he was born at 4.49am.


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EElisavetaOfBelsornia · 04/12/2017 16:12

I went to 43 weeks both times and had natural easy births when babies were ready to come!

tootsieglitterballs · 04/12/2017 16:09

First DS I was induced at 40+6 due to reduced movement and it was a hellish few days which ended in an EMCS

Decided, after much deliberation to go for a VBAC this last pregnancy, started having sweeps at 39+4, nothing was happening except lots of BH... I all but gave up hope and was booked in for a ELCS at 40+12

HOWEVER - I Got to 40+5 and I started having regular ish contractions, but after 24 hours nothing had happened. Went to hospital to get a check up due to previous csection and got told I wasn’t in labour! Sent home, and we ended up back on labour ward 3 hours later with contractions every 4 mins. I then got told I was only 3cm dilated!

Positive ending though - after being told at 1.30am I was only 3cm dilated, I went on to deliver naturally with only gas & air just over 2 hours later! It was fast and furious, and I did tear, but I did it!

Toastandacuppa · 04/12/2017 08:29

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