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I am so fed up - Just need a Rant - sorry....

5 replies

Mistiek · 04/03/2007 09:03

Morning all,

Sorry for this thread but I just need a rant and have no one round to rant to!

I am so fed up!!!! I am only 36+4 but I have just had enough now. I am having a c-sec on the 22nd so technically only have 2 and half weeks left. Its just been such a long pregnancie with 3 hospitals stays due to unexplained bleeding and its been an emotional roller coaster. I burried my father last week and my emotions are just all over the place. I am now so scared somthing will happen to baby in the next couple of weeks and am on real tender hooks all the time. All I want to do is cry...

My mum took my DS1 to South Africa with her for 4 weeks which was great - even though my father passed away at this time I had a good rest. My son returned last week Wednesday and I am now feeling so guilty as I just don't have any energy to play with him and take him to the park etc. I can barley get out of bed at the moment but all I want to do is get on with things now!

I cant sit anywhere especially the couch without feeling like passing out so have to sit completely upright with everything I do. I have to change DS on the lounge floor as its the only place that gives me enough space to manover. I cant sleep properly anymore and doing household chores is a mission! I have just had enough already and if this baby gets any bigger I am going to burst....

Ok so rant over... sorry to those of you who have gone over and must think I am a total looser for feeling like this now! I just needed to put all my feelings down somwhere and where better than here where I know I am not the only one who feels like this. Anyone have any ideas how to pass the time to keep my mind occupied over the next few weeks so I dont spend them crying all day feeling sorry for myself?

OP posts:
cheritongirl · 04/03/2007 20:53

dearest Mistiek - you are soooo entitled to feel misrable, it sounds like you are having the hardest time so feel free to rant at us You will probably look back at this time in a few years and think "wow, how did i survive that?" but here you are, coping. Don't beat yourself up if you can help it, just relax if you can and remember that having a baby IS a huge deal, without all the other very hard things you are dealing with. Bless you, will be thinnking of you...

Mistiek · 04/03/2007 10:31


My son came back with my step father on Wednesday so my mom is still in South Africa. She will be back this comming Wednesday and I can't wait as I know she will be able to come help me as much as I need as she is not working at the moment. So I can't wait for that....

She has been my back bone through out this whole pregnancy and with her being away for the last 5 weeks and away while my dad passed away has been really difficult so I can't wait to see her now.

Thanks all for your kind words - at least I know there are people out there who understand how I am feeling...

OP posts:
fairyjay · 04/03/2007 10:12

You'll be feeling tired at this stage of pregnancy anyway, and then you've got the loss of your Dad and a toddler to deal with.

No wonder you're knackered!

Is there anyone around who can help with ds for a couple of hours a day? Take every chance you have to rest.

Good luck - it'll be worth it when you've got a little bundle to cuddle.

grannycrackers · 04/03/2007 09:23

sorry mistiek, i can't think of any suggestions other than not to expect too much of yourself. i always found the end of pg horrible, but it will soon be over. just try and treat yourself, get help with your ds1 and read a good book when you can, and see if you can talk to anyone about your father

edam · 04/03/2007 09:10

Aw, poor you, bags of sympathy. I can't imagine what it's like to have to cope with an older child when you are that heavily pg and miserable. And major bereavement too. Hope someone has some good ideas for you.

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