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TMI alert! Does the amount of CM increase as you get closer to labour?

14 replies

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:08

For the last 2 weeks I've producing a huge amount of CM and frequently need to go to the toilet to wipe it away. I'm due in 10 days, m/w says it's a 'good sign' (didn't elaborate), but so is semaphore, doesn't necessarily mean I'm close to starting to birth tho' does it?
Any theories?

OP posts:
lulumama · 27/01/2007 22:47

sleep well ladies x

SHHHH · 27/01/2007 22:37

lol sc.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Already had my share today . Virtually had to tie dh down today..bless him...attempted sex..yup exactly the hell can you have sex when it seems there is a beach ball between you..?!!!!!!!! DH has now announced that there is no more sex till ds2b arrives . Suppose he feels a little used as I only want it for one thing . ho hum.

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:34

ho hum, think I'll go find Dh....

OP posts:
lulumama · 27/01/2007 22:32

yes...on the 'mumsnet t shirt thread' , i said mine would have to say

'have you tried sex and nipple stim ??'

erm..hormones? all your lady bits and breasts have increased blood flow, esp towards the end of everything is more sensitive.....

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:31

yep!! lmao off name change suggestion, good advice tho'.

OP posts:
SHHHH · 27/01/2007 22:29

come on lm . BTW I think you should change your name to: nipstimulationisamust !!!!!!!!!!!!!

SC, due wed..31/01. And you..? about 6/2..?

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:27

Lulumama why do our nips hurt really bad just lately?
When are you due Sshhh?

OP posts:
SHHHH · 27/01/2007 22:24

yeah mine are mega sensitive as well....been fine throughout the pregnancy BUT now as major sensitive...wonder why..?

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:22

Nope, I absolutely refuse to believe I'm wetting myself, nuh-uh, too awful to contemplate. Ooh I'd have the sex but my nips are sooo sensitive atm I think I'd pass out if they were stimulated in any way lol.

OP posts:
SHHHH · 27/01/2007 22:19

SC, I have had exactly the same but its been quite watery and not thick iykwim. I also notice it was yellowy and mentioned it to dh this morning, quite embarassed as it seemed I was wetting myself. DH, the font of knowledge and much more reasonable thinking than a pregnant women at 39 +3 replied: its baby sitting on your bladder..!!!

lulumama · 27/01/2007 22:18

lol!! yes.lotus birth not a terribly popular choice !

could be increased discharge or a show ! does sound positive !

the amount of BH or not, makes no difference

have lots of sex and nipple stim,,that is a good way to help get things moving !

sweetkitty · 27/01/2007 22:16

I had this for about a week before DD2 appeared, kept getting excited it was a show and rushing to the loo but it was only discharge.

When she did eventually decide to come out it was wierd like a pop and a lot of discharge followed not blood stained but clear.

I think you are getting close

sorkycake · 27/01/2007 22:15

Ahh lulumama, thank you .
It's not like a show as such, more like fertile cm, occasionally ewcm, I thought I might have an infection as it was looking a little yellowy on pants but realised it could just be when the baby nuts my bladder (sorry!).
It does sometimes feel like it's running out of me tho', quite a disturbing sensation it has to be said.
I haven't had as many BH this pg either, this is my 3rd child, will that make a difference to labour or not?
OT - showed Dh that lotus thingy, he just sat there going, "but WHY?" pmsl.

OP posts:
lulumama · 27/01/2007 22:10

snoooort at semaphore!!!

well, yes discharge increases towards the end of pregnancy...are you sure you are not having a show?? is it clear, snotty, tinged with blood at all? mine went on for a week !

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