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Early labour???

27 replies

GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 03:31

I'm 39+1 and started having period type pains that definitely felt more than Braxton hicks on Thursday. They lasted the evening coming every 10mins and then increasing in frequency to every 5mins before tailing off around midnight and I managed a full nights sleep.

No pain at all really during the day today (Friday) a few sporadic pains but nothing notable. They were every half hour this evening but slightly more painful than Thursday's.

The pains then really kicked off around midnight in there frequency but have stayed manageable in terms of their intensity - no painkillers needed, breathing through them is enough. Currently they are every 5 mins lasting 45 seconds to just over a minute and have been like this for the past hour or so.

Does this sound like early labour?? I'm confused about it as I haven't had a show or any of the pre-labour signs I was expecting to get - it seems to have started rather suddenly.

OP posts:
Pinkheart5915 · 20/03/2016 21:10

Enjoy new born cuddles

magratsflyawayhair · 20/03/2016 21:09

Oh congratulations.

StepfauxWife · 20/03/2016 19:56

Wonderful. This has made me even more excited about our new addition.

GothicRainbow · 20/03/2016 19:22

Yeh that's right Stepfaux was hoping for a VBAC but was obviously not meant to be. I've got the most gorgeous DS and that's what counts

OP posts:
StepfauxWife · 20/03/2016 19:02

Ah congratulations! So was your son born by c- section in the end?

Enjoy your newborn cuddles, what a great day to be born!

ProfessorPickles · 20/03/2016 14:11

Congratulations!!! SmileThanks

YokoUhOh · 20/03/2016 14:05

Ah congrats! Flowers I hope to be in your position in a few weeks (cuddling DS2)

Afreshstartplease · 20/03/2016 13:25

Yay well done! FlowersCake

GothicRainbow · 20/03/2016 13:23

Finally able to make an update! Eventually went to the hospital at 7.30pm last night and laboured until 8am this morning to then be told by a consultant that I had only dilated to 4cm and it didn't look likely that I would be going any further. I was then booked in for a c-section and DS2 was born at 10.19am this morning. Currently in recovery having lots of sleepy snuggles with my new gorgeous boy.

OP posts:
Afreshstartplease · 19/03/2016 19:41

Any news op!

StepfauxWife · 19/03/2016 09:25

Very exciting! I'm watching with interest, I'm 38+5 and had a similar night last night to your Thursday night!

Good luck!

Happytot · 19/03/2016 08:34

I had a lovely hot bath in early labour and as soon as I came out of the bath things started happening very fast!!

So exciting ! X

GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 08:29

Fab well that will be next on the agenda then!

OP posts:
Afreshstartplease · 19/03/2016 08:02

If it's the real deal then no

TBH I had a bath when labour started with DC3 and if anything it ramped up

GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 07:54

Would a bath slow things down at all?? Was contemplating a hot shower but a bath would probably be more soothing.

OP posts:
ProfessorPickles · 19/03/2016 07:42

This is exciting!! Smile

Afreshstartplease · 19/03/2016 07:32

Oooo how exciting

How about trying a bath?

GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 07:26

I'm up and about, sat on my ball at the moment and have just got off the phone with the midwives. They've said it sounds like the start of things. Contractions are back to being every 5-10mins, I've had some toast and paracetamol and been told I can stay at home until I'm struggling with the pain of the contractions are coming every 3 mins.

OP posts:
magratsflyawayhair · 19/03/2016 06:53

Have you got a ball to sit on? Try to get up and moving about if you can. It sounds like the early stages and keeping moving really helped things for me. Good luck!

GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 05:35

They are back to every 5-7 mins now, this is all very confusing!

OP posts:
GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 04:58

well it was a last min invite from by DBro to stay with him. Think she was very tempted as she's not seen him in a while. He'll just have to come here instead if he wants to visit.

They've slowed down even more now - every 20mins - gah!! This is annoying!!

OP posts:
Jenijena · 19/03/2016 04:39

If your childcare was supposed to be going away when you're 39 wks pregnant, it's a fair bet she was expecting to cancel anyway. So don't worry about it.


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GothicRainbow · 19/03/2016 04:14

Thanks both, annoyingly contractions are tailing off again. They're now coming every 15mins - this is obviously going to be a long drawn out affair!!

My toddler childcare (my DM) was supposed to be going away this weekend, she's already offered to postpone because of Thursday and yesterday - as I suppose it's now Saturday morning - I told her not to as everything had stopped. Now I don't know what to tell her!!

Would be a shame for her to miss out on her weekend and nothing much happen on the baby front but also don't want to have to be panicking trying to find alternative childcare if I need to go in to the hospital!

OP posts:
Jenijena · 19/03/2016 04:09

Sounds like it to me, but another one who had a stop start (more stop than start) labour for several days before the exciting stuff happened.

Junosmum · 19/03/2016 03:58

Sounds like my early labour. I'll warn you though, it lasted 10 days for me!

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