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Waters gone how soon for labour?

28 replies

ammature · 08/02/2016 12:51

I woke up at 9.30 with my water breaking. Yay! I'm 40+3 so perfect timing. Rang MLU and I'll have to go in at 8pm for an exam and be induced in the morning if labour hasn't started. No real signs of labour yet... Anyone experienced similar? How soon do pains normally start? Really want to stay on MLU and have my water birth rather then induction/constant monitor in consultant unit.

OP posts:
GunShotResidue · 11/02/2016 10:51

Congratulation! I had epidural then forceps too, not fun! I hope you recover quickly Flowers

Ilovenannyplum · 11/02/2016 06:44

Enjoy your (no doubt gorgeous) newborn Thanks

purplepineapples · 11/02/2016 06:19

Congratulations!! Flowers

ammature · 11/02/2016 02:34

Yes! I have birth this morning. Shit labour. Slow no progress, back to back and because of the waters I was consultant lead and monitored. In the end it all slowed down and I was exhausted. Had epidural and then forceps so my fanjo is killing me. Over all happy and my boy is lush! Trying to get the boobie feeding going now - thanks for all the insight/advice

OP posts:
Alb1 · 09/02/2016 19:33

Any update OP?

Ilovenannyplum · 08/02/2016 22:36

Good luck OP! GrinThanks

ammature · 08/02/2016 22:35

Having contractions now about ten mins apart lasting a minute I'm
Praying they ramp up over night if I'm in proper labour by morning I can stay on the MLU if not it's the consultants ... Fingers crossed. Been in for assessment they out me on monitor and all looks good

OP posts:
Dixiechick17 · 08/02/2016 20:30

Mine started trickling and within 30 minutes contractions started and DD arrive less than six hours later. Good luck, hope things start soon for you.

GunShotResidue · 08/02/2016 19:42

My waters broke at 40+3 with DD. About 10 hours later I started getting some contractions, but they were on/off for another 16 or so hours. DD was born 40+5, about 41 after my waters broke.

Wardrobespierre · 08/02/2016 19:28

Good luck op. My waters broke out of the blue at 38 and 36 weeks respectively. Labour started immediately first time round and it took 15hrs to get to 2cm dilated. Only 2hrs from 2cm to 10 cm and, er, 8hrs of pushing until they gave up and whipped dd out the sunroof.

Second time round, labour started quite soon after my waters went but 38hrs of contractions produced no baby so had another emcs.

unimaginativename13 · 08/02/2016 19:13

72 hours seems like a long time! I thought it was 24hours.

I was in labour they gave me 18 hours from waters breaking I was 18.5 and DS still had to go to neonatal as a precaution. We had an infection, he had a rash too. They would never know 100% if it was the waters.

Sweep won't matter as the waters have gone and it's a method that breaks yours waters.

Gracey79 · 08/02/2016 18:57

I would go you need to be checked for risk of infection now the waters have gone, I remember they did my temperature checked baby's heart rate etc

ammature · 08/02/2016 18:37

Really? I just assumed I would have to go. Why does it slow things down?

OP posts:
gunting · 08/02/2016 17:42

I'd avoid the examination... They can stall things too.

ammature · 08/02/2016 17:39

Still no contractions going in at eight for exam. Wondering if I should fight the induction and ask for another 12-24 hours or just go with it...

OP posts:
MrsBenWyatt · 08/02/2016 17:03

Mine started trickling at 10am. Contractions started at 4pm. Good luck! so exciting Flowers

NickyEds · 08/02/2016 14:35

Mine went with a Hollywood gush at around 6am ish. There was a little blood in them so i had to go into hospital. First contractions started at about 9am ish and things were definitely moving by lunchtime. Sadly they didn't move far enough, fast enough and my labour had to be augmented the next morning..Grr.

Good Luck!

ammature · 08/02/2016 14:24

This is all very exciting news! Thanks... I
Might ask for a sweep then tonight when they check me out. I called my poor husband home from work bless him feel a bit daft for wasting a days paternity😩

OP posts:
Chinks123 · 08/02/2016 14:19

The pains started as soon as my waters went for me on my due date, and were very very strong contractions from the beginning with less than a minute inbetween. DD was born 5 hours later Smile

Cel982 · 08/02/2016 14:17

Mine broke at 2:45am, contractions started naturally mid-afternoon the next day, and baby arrived about 12 hours later.

From what I remember (used to work in obstetrics) about 80% of women will go into labour within 24 hours of their waters breaking.

Good luck!

gunting · 08/02/2016 14:13

My waters broke at 10am and nothing happened for hours and I was booked in for induction 24 Hr later

Contractions started 17 hours after they broke and my son was born 2 hr after

By the time it got to the induction appointment he was five hours old

Best of luck Grin

Gracey79 · 08/02/2016 14:04

Mine went at 730am went to hospital to be told nothing happening booked in for induction following day, had ds at 1015pm that same day


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outputgap · 08/02/2016 14:01

It was 24 hours from my big rush of waters to the very faintest of labour starts, augmented very successfully with the drip. I now realise that my waters had slow trickle broken the day before, and dd1 did end up in hospital at 10 days with an infection, which no one could attribute to anything specific, but their best bet was the early break of waters.

With dc2, I had a ginormous, eye watering, ouchy bastard sweep, 24 hours after the slow trickle, and was in big style labour 10 minutes later. Hurrah for that midwife.

I would take the induction (and antibiotics), because I think you just need a slight hand to tip you over into full blown labour. But definitely worth a medieval style sweep first if you can find a hard faced midwife. Wink

MyBreadIsEggy · 08/02/2016 13:52

My waters role unexpectedly at 38 weeks. I had to go into the hospital to check it definitely was my waters because it was the tiniest trickle. It was indeed my waters, so they sent me home for 24hrs to see if labour started. It didn't, so I went back in to be induced....quickest induction ever!! Took 40mins for contractions to start after the pessary was inserted, then 3 hrs from first contraction to DD being born Smile

LetThereBeCupcakes · 08/02/2016 13:52

Mine went at midnight. Went in to be checked and sent away to see if things started. Contractions started at about 3.30am, went back in at about 8am and was 4 cm. DS was born at 3.40pm that day.

Hopefully things will start moving soon for you!

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