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What did you wish you'd put in your hospital bag?

39 replies

quesadillas · 12/07/2015 15:46


Starting to pack my hospital bag. I've got a checklist, and I remember what I packed last time, but is there anything you wish you'd packed and didn't? Or anything not on the regular lists that you included which was really helpful? I'll be having an ELCS, so don't need things to help me during labour, just things to make my stay a little more pleasant and easy. I'll probably be in a good few days. I have packed posh chocolates as I wish I'd had a treat readily available last time.


OP posts:
CheesyNachos · 12/07/2015 20:43

Also food. I gave birth at about midnight and was offered nothing until breakfast, which I guess makes sense, but I did not think to take anything but dried fruit and cereal bars. I was going mad with hunger. I should have taken sandwiches, babybels things like that.

CobbOnn · 12/07/2015 20:50

Toilet roll. Might not be as bad with a c section but the loo on my ward had run out and I was told off for asking for more. Hard paper towels were very unpleasant on sore bleeding parts. (Thinking about it someone probably flushed the paper towels causing a blockage and that's why they closed that toilet so I had to walk across to the opposite ward. Hated that ward. Home birth this time)

HollyAndIvyTime · 12/07/2015 20:51

Ear plugs!! You'll still hear your babies, but cuts out on all the other noise on the ward so you might get some sleep at least....

StrawberryTartYum · 12/07/2015 20:59

Lots and lots of snacks! And a smartphone or tablet or something to help pass the time if you are kept in. We were in three days waiting on DS's temp to come up and I had nothing to do while he slept, which was most of the time. I also struggled to keep myself awake when breastfeeding and this would have helped there as well!

quesadillas · 12/07/2015 21:02

All good ideas, thanks. Particularly like the one about separating the twins stuff. DH will probably be doing the first dressing, he needs all the instructions I can give him!

OP posts:
lilac3033 · 13/07/2015 09:51

I don't think I missed anything but here are my favourite things I brought.

  • for labour I had dry cereal bars which I had bits of regularly. I also froze a few lucozade sports and those were AMAZING! Meant I had a cold sugary drink throughout labour.

-postnatally I had a little spray bottle of pure witch hazel which I sprayed on maternity pads (just a spray or two). This was really soothing for swollen bits!
-I also back up the extra food thing. I didn't get nearly enough food from the hospital so was glad to have snacks!
Lonz · 13/07/2015 18:48

I never anticipated how much time I would be left alone in hospital so didn't pack anything to entertain me, let alone know that I would be forced to stay in.

Books, magazines, something to take a tally on everytime someone actually came round to see me. My own food that didn't look like a 4 year olds packed lunch. I've seen some people take in their own pillows and duvets as well. I wish I did that.

GoooRooo · 16/07/2015 19:24

Make up. I look so awful in the photos with DS.

mrsg1888 · 18/07/2015 00:15

I'll be taking some of this little robinsons squashy cordials to help with the drinking water Hmm
Arnica tablets to help with bruising/swelling (recommended from a friend)

WhatAHooHa · 18/07/2015 00:30

Savoury food. By the time I got onto the ward it was night time, all I had with me was cereal bars and other sweet stuff which, in quantity, made me feel sick. What I really wanted was some stodgy carbs. So, pasta salad, doorstep sandwiches etc would have been perfect

eaiand2 · 19/07/2015 19:58

More starburst as they were the only thing I wanted out of our snack selection Grin

Fluffy24 · 20/07/2015 16:29

Much more food!!

I too had ELCS and when huge breech DS was finally evicted from the space my stomach (and lungs) was meant to occupy I was ravenous!! Think a packet (or three) of your favourite deli sandwiches in a cool bag!

I took my hairdryer, it was great having a shower the next morning and even though I was putting another night dress on it was very good to be able to wash and dry my hair and generally feel a bit more human.

cosmicdancer89 · 31/07/2015 21:00

Lucozade !! and dry shampoo

gloria2088 · 12/08/2015 22:25

I got sent this guide recently and have shared with some friends who are due soon - the checklist may be useful

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