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Anaemic and hoping for home birth

26 replies

doingitagain14 · 14/07/2013 07:59

I have been sent a letter from my midwife telling me that bloods taken at booking appointment indicate that I am anaemic. I have been told to see my GP for a prescription for iron tabs. I'm not keen on this as have read some fairly negative stories about the side effects, but more worrying to me is that it might mean I am refused the home birth I am hoping for (no other issues and straightforward pregnancy and delivery last time). I feel ok at the moment - was really tired earlier in the pregnancy but this has been getting much better in recent weeks (now 14 weeks). I think my bloods were on the borderline during last pregnancy but managed to avoid any need for tablets.

If I can get my iron levels up to the acceptable level, would there be any good reason for refusing home birth?

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doingitagain14 · 19/07/2013 12:20

Yeah she gave me various suggestions, including dark chocolate, which I hadn't heard before, but willing to give that a go ...if I have to!

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