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Waterbirth plan samples

6 replies

photographerlady · 30/03/2013 10:55

Would anyone mind starting their waterbirth plan, I am planning a hospital waterbirth but the template on the NHS site does miss out a lot of sections. Anyone used or have a template they found handy?

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Welovegrapes · 01/04/2013 18:47

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Littlemissexpecting · 01/04/2013 18:25

Welovegrapes I have been told that some hospitals won't allow a natural 3rd stage or delivery of placenta while your in the pool. Have you checked with your mw?

Welovegrapes · 01/04/2013 11:34

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photographerlady · 01/04/2013 08:35

Thank you welovegrapes your plan is sooo similar to what I was looking for, really big help

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Welovegrapes · 31/03/2013 21:21

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joyfull · 30/03/2013 11:11

I found the NHS one wasn't quite right for us either. I found it really helpful to write a massive plan for me & partner to get really clear on what (in an ideal world) we'd like, and the 'what if' plans in case any if that was needed. Then we made a 1 page summary for midwives, with the main points. They're so busy! It seemed to work for us... Does that help any? X

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