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Raspberry Leaf Tablets

4 replies

Bradyboo · 30/11/2010 19:25

How many do you take and have they worked for you?

OP posts:
Marjee · 02/12/2010 12:44

Keep taking them rodformyownback, they can't do any harm even if they don't seem to be working. They don't make labour start anyway, just make contractions more effective when things do get going. I kept drinking the tea for a few weeks after ds was born and it definitely felt like it helped my uterus to shrink back to normal size quickly.

I know a few women who said it had no effect on them at all but as soon as my ds was born the mw said "you've been on the raspberry leaf tea haven't you?"

rodformyownback · 01/12/2010 10:01

I started taking them a week or so ago when I got fed up of not having a decent cuppa. I take 2, 3 times a day. I think I've had lots more Braxton Hicks since taking them rather than the tea, and when I forgot to take any the other day I had far fewer contractions. I'm now 40+9 though and still not in labour Angry! But I can imagine they do help contractions to be stronger once labour starts as they seem to be doing a good job of preparing my uterus.

Marjee · 30/11/2010 21:06

I drank the tea and it definitely worked for me. First baby, labour was less than 4 hours from first twinge! I had 3 cups a day from 36 weeks

grumperina · 30/11/2010 21:01

No idea if they'll work, but I'm interested to know the answer too as I bought a bottle of them today! Mine came from Holland and Barrett and each contains 400 mg of raspberry leaf. It says on the side to take 3-6 per day, and I've just taken the first one... Confused

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