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Child mental health

DC constantly talks about poo :-(

21 replies

chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:13

My DC is 11 and constantly mentions poo in conversations. Not real physical poo itself. But just weaves the word into conversation.


You stink like poo
I'm going to poo on your head
That's a big pile of poo
Poo on you
If you do that I'm going to poo on you

The list of examples can go on and on. It's usually just weaved into every day conversation, but countless times a day. I don't know what to do about this. It seems to be an involuntary thing and doesn't stop no matter how many times we ask to stop. DC will often become infatuated with different phrases and for the past month or so it's poo. DC uses these phrases when talking to friends and family. There is no filter. No matter how many times we ask to stop it continues. And now to make things worse my youngest DC is copying them and picking up on this and using the same phrases. It's so embarrassing.

Any advice please? I'm at my wits end with this.

OP posts:
Mumdiva99 · 08/04/2022 14:12


I know you’re playing the pronoun game but is this an 11 year old boy? Because it’s totally normal.

Girls not so much. But all boys go through the poo bums willies obsessed phase around this age. It’ll pass.

Really because my husband is close to 50....he still finds it hilarious!!! With 2 sons as well life can be tough.......and then my daughter joins in......
SpotALeopard · 08/04/2022 14:08

My brother and I went through a silly poo and wee stage. Can’t remember at what age, but it can’t have been very young because I remember writing silly stories in the back of the car that would involve someone doing a poo and giggling about it. Never talked about it with anyone else - just a bit of silliness because it was taboo (drove our parents crazy).

I’m not poo-obsessed as an adult and assume my brother isn’t either.

SixteenTwelve · 08/04/2022 13:58

I think this is totally normal for an 11 yo (although irritating). I distinctly remember my brother (age circa 12) being obsessed with the word “faeces” and using it in a similar way to your DS.

Happily he grew out of it and is now 32, married, employed, homeowner and 2 DC so it wasn’t a long term life-restricting affliction 😂

YetAnotherSpartacus · 08/04/2022 13:56
chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:54

Thanks for putting my mind at ease everyone. Fingers crossed this phase ends quickly Confused

OP posts:
Justkeeppedaling · 08/04/2022 13:49

Poo poo head was the swear word of choice in our house for quite a while.
He'll grow out of it.

Mysteryclub · 08/04/2022 13:47


I'd just ignore it. Don't give it any attention.

If he's doing it deliberately it will stop

If he isn't doing deliberately, if it's involuntary as you suggest, then you won't be embarrassing him or stressing him out by making an issue of it. If it's really a problem I would take him to see a GP.

Georgeskitchen · 08/04/2022 13:42

3 sons. All obsessed with farts and pooh "lavatorial" as my mother would say. All adults now and slightly improved, but only slightly 🤣😍

WhatTheWhoTheWhatThe · 08/04/2022 13:39

Could be an ASD trait, equally could be attention seeking. Either way I would go for a completely blanking the behaviour tbh.
How does he react when you tell him off for it it?

Mariposista · 08/04/2022 13:36

I really wouldn’t worry. It’s an immature boy thing. If it’s any consolation, my uncle is 50 and still laughs at toilet humour. Boys are obsessed with poo and farting. Just ignore it.

chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:28


Are they NT or do they have SEN? Boy or girl?How is their vocabulary generally? Are they good readers? Do they express themselves effectively?

In any case this is actually pretty normal, NT children will do this to push barriers and to get a reaction from you. You're best bet is to keep asking them questions, why are they saying that? What do you mean? How do you think I feel when you say that? Etc and try to model alternative phrases. If the child has SEN then model alternative self centred phrases for them to use instead eg "I don't like that because it makes me feel xyz".

It is a phase and it will pass, they won't be 25 and still using these phrases! If they struggle generally with speech a speech therapist will help them communicate better. Good luck!

Thank you for the reassurance. I have my suspicions as to whether DC (he) is NT or not. I do suspect ADHD or some form of autism. DC is generally a good student and enjoys school. Loves reading and has no vocabulary / speech troubles. But DC is very easily distracted, often very down on himself, and can just struggle to act appropriately and control himself when he's comfortable or in a familiar setting.
OP posts:
chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:24


I know you’re playing the pronoun game but is this an 11 year old boy? Because it’s totally normal.

Girls not so much. But all boys go through the poo bums willies obsessed phase around this age. It’ll pass.

Yes DC is a he. Just a habit of writing DC in my posts
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RaspberryChouxBuns · 08/04/2022 13:22

Are they NT or do they have SEN? Boy or girl?How is their vocabulary generally? Are they good readers? Do they express themselves effectively?

In any case this is actually pretty normal, NT children will do this to push barriers and to get a reaction from you. You're best bet is to keep asking them questions, why are they saying that? What do you mean? How do you think I feel when you say that? Etc and try to model alternative phrases. If the child has SEN then model alternative self centred phrases for them to use instead eg "I don't like that because it makes me feel xyz".

It is a phase and it will pass, they won't be 25 and still using these phrases! If they struggle generally with speech a speech therapist will help them communicate better. Good luck!

Skyeheather · 08/04/2022 13:21

This is my six year old, he says all of those things daily plus he and his friends chase each other around the playground pretending to poo on each other. My two year old has started to join in 😒.

Is your son at Primary School, could be a new "thing" that's going round.

I just keep telling my DS that these are not appropriate words to say at the table or to other adults. I'm hoping he'll grow out of it soon.

chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:21


I'd just ignore it. Don't give it any attention.

If he's doing it deliberately it will stop

If he isn't doing deliberately, if it's involuntary as you suggest, then you won't be embarrassing him or stressing him out by making an issue of it. If it's really a problem I would take him to see a GP.

Thanks. I'm trying to determine if this is some kind of trait like autism etc, or just seeking attention
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JanetPluchinsky · 08/04/2022 13:20

I know you’re playing the pronoun game but is this an 11 year old boy? Because it’s totally normal.

Girls not so much. But all boys go through the poo bums willies obsessed phase around this age. It’ll pass.

chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:20


Does he do this at school as well?

To be honest I don't know about school. They've not mentioned it but I know DC jokes with friends about it when out of school. Also weaves it into song lyrics etc
OP posts:
chippedspottymug · 08/04/2022 13:19


What consequences do you use when he does?

We tell DC off. Sometimes very crossly, sometimes nicely reminding that our other DC is picking up on it. Sometimes try time outs, taking away privileges etc. Nothing is working
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NuffSaidSam · 08/04/2022 13:17

I'd just ignore it. Don't give it any attention.

If he's doing it deliberately it will stop

If he isn't doing deliberately, if it's involuntary as you suggest, then you won't be embarrassing him or stressing him out by making an issue of it. If it's really a problem I would take him to see a GP.

EmmaGrundyForPM · 08/04/2022 13:17

Does he do this at school as well?

stargirl1701 · 08/04/2022 13:15

What consequences do you use when he does?

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