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Child mental health

Prozac experiences

11 replies

lulubooboo · 26/03/2021 22:01

Hi, I wondered how people/teens found being on Prozac. I am unsure and realise experiences will be different for everyone. TIA

OP posts:
Vinniepolis · 13/01/2023 22:48

DD started on Prozac at 14 after a spell on Sertraline which didn’t agree with her. There wasn’t much improvement to start with and her psychiatrist kept putting her dose up. Then lockdown happened. I’m not sure if it was the medication or just that she had a break from school-related anxiety, but she was much better when school reopened and coped well with her final year of GCSEs. She had some side effects such as headaches and overheating/sweating, and after two and a half years (April 22) she decided the side effects outweighed the benefits and came off it.

TragicMuse · 25/11/2022 23:03

14yo started taking it in August, it's had absolutely no effect at all. The dose has just been increased, but who knows if it will work. Sertraline was also useless.

Tbh, at the moment I feel like nothing is going to work.

It's all a bit depressing really.

NImumconfused · 22/11/2022 23:16

DD14 has been on it for 2 weeks for anxiety and OCD - tiredness is the major side effect. She's been perkier this last few days than I've seen her for ages but I think sometimes you get a "bounce" effect when they try a new medication or therapy, as they feel like someone's taking them seriously for a change. Too early to tell if it's really working, OCD symptoms are no better.

Oxborn · 17/11/2022 10:59

I didn’t take to well with Prozac in my teens turned me very angry and violent

dishaiyer · 17/11/2022 10:55

I started taking prozac when i was 19. Had a few side effects in the beginning. They subsided and i felt normal afterwards. I took them for 4 years.
At age 25, i had to restart it and it went well minus some side effects. Now I am 32 and still continuing Prozac and my experience has been great

housecoat1968 · 25/05/2021 23:31

My dd has been on Prozac, then Citalopram and then Sertraline over many years.

No particular side effects with any but the Sertraline has worked better than the other two.

MrsPworkingmummy · 22/05/2021 19:40

I was 15 when I was put on it for severe OCD. I hated it. Within a few days I felt like a zombie. I was very, very tired and it made me feel quite depressed too. The mental health team took me off it at the following check up as it made me feel as so awful and almost like I was living in a movie, watching my own life go by.

lulubooboo · 22/05/2021 19:35

That’s good to hear 😊

OP posts:
Thisisworsethananticpated · 11/05/2021 22:56

My teen nephew is doing well
Major side effects to start and fatigue
But he is a lot better x

lulubooboo · 04/04/2021 17:43

@ilovebagpuss thank you that’s really helpful x

OP posts:
ilovebagpuss · 27/03/2021 12:27

We have been trying 10mg Fluoxetine for a month now for OCD and possible other issues. My DD 14 has had no problems with side effects so we are moving up to try 20mg as I believe this is the optimal dose for younger people.
She has lost her appetite a bit but not too much. Can’t say the 10 mg has helped her OCD yet but I know it can take weeks.
Happy to help anymore if I can it’s a lonely old place to be when you first start to get help.

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