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Child mental health

childrens mental health in schools

6 replies

edukate · 08/02/2016 11:59

im new to mumsnet and am looking to learn more about the issues parents are facing when working with schools if their child has mental health issues

im considering writing a book on this subject as i think theres probably quite a high level of need

any comments or suggestions/experiences very welcome


OP posts:
Giggles2 · 29/02/2016 11:10

I have major problems with my daughters school,can't see her illness so not interested even though had letters from GP,no support whatsoever! I'm at my wits end with them!

Wantagoodname · 19/02/2016 19:46

My dds school are really good so far, organised elsa (emotional literacy) once a week and are very supportive with camhs

Shineyshoes10 · 08/02/2016 14:13

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makingmiracles · 08/02/2016 12:06

My experience is that it's pretty poor. Schools will try to refer to camhs but they usually only accept the refferral if it's deemed highly serious eg the child threatening others with weapons. Children that are "just" struggling get lost as there's very little support.

Dreamgirls234 · 08/02/2016 12:03

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Roseberrry · 08/02/2016 12:02

I had mental health problems when I was in senior school 10 years ago. My teachers were very supportive, noticed little things without me having to say anything. They did a lot to work around my problems.

My ds now has mental health problems and I've found it a very different experience for him. They support him as best they can but are very much 'this is not an excuse'.

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