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Car seat for grandparents car

5 replies

Jellybean2017 · 10/07/2018 09:42

Can anyone recommend a car seat that would be suitable for grandparents to keep in their car? Ds is one next month.

OP posts:
teaandbiscuitsforme · 10/07/2018 23:19

Anything cheap cheap is not going to be a safe option. Stick with the name brands like Joie, Britax, Maxi Cosi, Axkid, Be Safe etc

At 1 they should still be rear facing for a long time yet so I agree with the PP that the Joie Stages is a good choice. Or the Tilt or the Steadi if they're lower on the centiles. If your DC is above the 50th centile you'd be better with something like the Britax Two Way Elite if you want it to last until at least 4.

Jellybean2017 · 10/07/2018 13:59

Thanks will take a look 😊

OP posts:
Alyx80 · 10/07/2018 12:35

How about the Joie Stages or Tilt? Then he can stay rearfacing to 18kg before you turn him round.

Jellybean2017 · 10/07/2018 12:33

Probably it will only be used once a week...

OP posts:
MayContainBrain · 10/07/2018 09:43

How often will it be used? If not that often I’d just buy an ISOFIX cheapie. You can get them for about £30

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