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Car seats

Is it safe?

5 replies

OorWullie · 17/07/2014 21:18

To use a car seat which has Isofix but can also be fitted with a belt? Or is it better to have a belt fitting only if your car doesn't have isofix?

Subscribed to Which to get reviews and I like the Britax Kidfix SICT, would you reccommend it?

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OorWullie · 17/07/2014 22:20

Thankyou, I think I will stick with my choice then... I just remember reading something about it before, and googling brings up alot of conflicting information.

I wish I could just upgrade my car but buying the car seat will be nearly half of my wage so I don't see that happening any time soon Blush


OP posts:
nocheeseinhouse · 17/07/2014 22:18

You're right- non-isofix version of the SICT seat is unavaliable, how odd...

I've just bought the Cybex solution, isofix, but it comes without. Similar side impact to the Britax.

"Safe" is a relative term, using a good, safe seat that can have isofix just with the belt is much safer than no seat.

donkir · 17/07/2014 22:16

I can't see how safety would be compromised if it says can be fitted with a belt as long as done by instructions.
I think britax have just made it easier to transfer car seats say from one parents car to another if one has isofix and the other doesn't. Saves buying 2 car seats.
Not everyone has isofix but you might upgrade your car so you have the option there if needed.
Britax are a great make I have one that I use for the little one I nanny for and never had a problem.

nocheeseinhouse · 17/07/2014 22:13

I think the isofix adds weight, which is then pushed onto the occupant, so if possible, use a lighter seatbelt-fit seat with a seatbelt, and isofix with isofix.

We have a kidfix for GP car, and it's fine, I'd imagine the SICT is a good seat, it has good reviews and safety testing.

OorWullie · 17/07/2014 22:12


I'd like to order it tomorrow and i'm confused.

I can't find one that I'm satisfied with that is seatbelt only, but don't want to stretch myself shelling out for this if the safety is compromised by using it with the belt.

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