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Car seats

Rear facing advice

3 replies

NickiAndAlex · 22/01/2011 09:43

Hello there, I see there are lots of RF advocates on here, so maybe some of you can answer my questions.

I have a 20 month old currently still in her infant seat, since she's small for her age (not yet 10kg) and the seat is good up to 13kg. However, we have a baby due in March, so I'd like to use the infant seat for the baby and get Alex a new seat.

However, in our car the baby seat sticks out so much that the passenger seat is pretty far forward and the passenger is cramped. It wouldn't fit behind the driver's seat at all with the driving position my husband uses. I am worried that if we put Alex in a group 1 RF seat, it will need even more room, which we don't really have.

Also, when the baby gets old enough for a group 1 seat, we'll have 2 toddlers in group 1 seats, and if they're rear facing, one will have to be behind the driver. We both drive the car, so the seat will have to be moved forward and back. I gather most RF seats either rest on the front seat or have to have a lot of clearance. Plus, any tethers would have to be adjusted when the seat moves.

Is RF really this impractical, or am I missing something? We don't really want to buy a new car just for the car seats, and I'm not sure 2 RF would work with different drivers anyway.

Sorry for the length of this, but any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

OP posts:
lenats31 · 23/01/2011 16:37

Car seat fitters in Scandinavia prefer not to meassure the room front to back, as this is very car dependant..

Usually these two need the most space

Besafe - especially when put in recline position

Maxi Cosi Mobi


lenats31 · 23/01/2011 16:32

I don´t think the TWE is a good idea, since the front seat will have to be readjusted often. What you want is a seat that has a footprop and attach the set of tether straps that come with the seat you choose to the front seat rails and not the front seat itself. If you dont have a gap between the footwell and the rails. Then you should get tether loops which can be bought from

This is an easy way to avoid hassle with readjusting the front seats all the time.

Ideally there should be NO clearance between the rf seat and the front seat.

There are a few options for small to mid-sized cars:

KISS (Isofix and seatbelt installation newborn to 18 kg. No tether belts)

Britax Hiway (seatbelt installation suitable from 0-25 kg. Tether belts required)

Fair G 0/1 (isofix only 0-18 kg. No tether belts


TruthSweet · 22/01/2011 18:41

You can get 2nd sets of tethers (normally for another car) so you could have one set for your position and one for DH's position.

Also as your daughter is older her seat wouldn't be as reclined as a younger child's would be.

This gives you the amount of space needed for each of the most common rfing seats so you could see how much space your baby bucket takes compared to the rfing seats. Just a nte though I can't see the Secura for sale anywhere at the mpment so I think it might be an import only seat now ('tis nice though I really like ours so I don't know why it's not being sold).

The TWE when installed upright is fairly compact - my DH (6'2") has only had to move his seat forward a little bit from his optimal position (somewhere in the rear of the carWink.


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