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What do I need to take on a 4 month holiday that I wouldn't think of taking on a 2 week holiday?

35 replies

katymac · 22/03/2017 21:00

Camper van - so cutelery/crockery etc have been planned for

I'm thinking some stationery & maybe a printer?

Sellotape & string, a travel iron?

Some tools? (def a screwdriver & allan keys for the bikes - but what else?)

WD40 & 3 in 1 oil

What else have I forgotten or not even dreamed of taking?

OP posts:
katymac · 23/03/2017 18:09

That's good - I love Sewing

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Sgtmajormummy · 23/03/2017 13:56

Sewing machines use very little electricity. The plug on mine (not UK and different types according to consumption) is the same as the one for an electric razor so very low.
And they say a slow cooker consumes the equivalent of a lightbulb. Can't confirm as I'm not a fan.

katymac · 23/03/2017 13:38

That's a thought will my sewwing machine take up too much electric? & how about the slow cooker (love that idea)

Bank card reader thing!! Wow I would so have forgotten that!! Spare bedding on the list with sleeping bags for DD/visitors - and some nice warm blankets

Wood/carpet & car things -

Sewing stuff - yes lots I have one of those tool/craft boxes to fill up Smile

Bikes coming (particularly my beautiful new electric bike)

Starting to think I need a generator!!

We have arranged for max prescriptions for DH & a care plan in case he is ill - most GP's won't understand his conditions very well - our GP this morning quite understoood I don't want to be arguing with strang doctors about getting an IV of antibiotics set up for a "simple chest infection" plus our emergency pack of AB & steroids

OP posts:
doradoo · 23/03/2017 07:14

Slow cooker / instant pot type thing?

BarchesterFlowers · 23/03/2017 06:50

Must add that I am a minimalist camper though and take as little as possible.

Take some spare inner tubes in the correct size for your new swanky bikes and a puncture repair kit. Repair a punctured tube on replacement so you are ready to go again.

BarchesterFlowers · 23/03/2017 06:43

I wouldn't take much different from usual Katy. You can buy what you need on the road apart from prescriptions if you need them.

Definitely agree with pp about shopping opportunities in rural Scotland - stock up in towns en route.

Are you taking a hand turn or electric machine? It would be lovely to make something like a patchwork quilt, buying fabric as you travel to remember your trip by.

KP86 · 23/03/2017 06:35

Have skimmed but not RTFT so apols if I double up with someone else.

My biggest thing would be longer term toiletries - tampons/pads, contraception if needed, wax strips or similar if you do your own legs or face, nail polish if you like it etc. I realise you said you won't be too far from a supermarket but they might not have your favourite brands.

Definitely a wider range of clothes, but this is where layers are your friend. Pack what you want then take 1/3 of it out!

Spare sheets and duvet cover for when yours need washing. You might get away with it for two weeks but definitely not for four months!

RedSandYellowSand · 23/03/2017 06:02

The electronic thingy the bank sends you and insists you need to authorise new/large payments.

What's happening to post that gets sent home during this time? Will anyone check it??? If not, electronic credit card statements etc if not already dealt with.

I know you've mentioned the sewing machine. There will be a needle, thread, and some spare buttons in there, won't there??

List of all birthdays you need to acknowledge while away...

isthistoonosy · 23/03/2017 05:10

And a decent peice of wood to put your jack on if the land is too soft.

isthistoonosy · 23/03/2017 05:08

Van stuff - jump leads, tow ropes, tools (we also have an axe but maybe that's not needed in the uk), old clothes, grit or bits of carpet, spare oil, petrol, water, washer liqued.

Are you taking bikes with you?

Scentofwater · 23/03/2017 00:12

Yes, sorry I learnt about clean clothes sailing but it's come in useful camping since! I don't have a campervan so you may be ok but on long trips you never know- it might just be nice having a clean set when you realise you've not made enough trips to the laundrette!

katymac · 22/03/2017 22:19

I imagine I may need to write letters or respond to post

Not everyting can be done by email

& sewing is my hobby - 4 months off would be boring

OP posts:
SingingSands · 22/03/2017 22:03

A printer? On holiday? Would you use it much? And a sewing machine?

Stock up on loo roll and midgie spray, I say.

katymac · 22/03/2017 21:57

Getting special insurance
No landline- poop

OP posts:
katymac · 22/03/2017 21:55

Head torches & night sight - interesting hmm maybe?
Bird books....not sure, maybe if I am interested once we are on our way

kindle & laptops are definite

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profpoopsnagle · 22/03/2017 21:53

You need to check your home insurance covers you for a longer trip (most are @30 days). If someone is planning on stopping by to check at home, get them to ring a number out from the landline. This can then be sued as proof if needed, that the home was not unoccupied for all that time.

katymac · 22/03/2017 21:48

Scissors & tape measure will be covered I'm taking my sewing machine & some projects

Laundry - hmm i'll ask DH he does that - but possibly some of those nice handled buckets & visits to a launderette

Dry clothes - the camper van won't leak will it? Sailing yes you get wet, and camping - OK plan to pack differently

Oh yes hate wet coats!!

Sunglasses are prescription so can't afford a second pair

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traviata · 22/03/2017 21:48

birdspotting book or app
night sight ( so you can see what is making that weird noise outside the van at 3am!)

katymac · 22/03/2017 21:43

we are not going far off the tourist trail so I imagine we will keep ourselves reasonably fed & clean etc

Pill......not for years!!

Good idea about bank cards I'll check (but DD will get our mail I think)

Do jumpleads work for automatics?

OP posts:
traviata · 22/03/2017 21:39

tape measure
spare sunglasses

Where will you do laundry? Do you need kit for that?

Scentofwater · 22/03/2017 21:38

Head torch if you can afford a decent one, normal torches are fine most of the time but head torches are invaluable for repairing stuff when you need both hands!

Your own detergent so that your clothes/ bedding still smell of home.

One full change of clothes each, including a warm jumper, completely sealed in several bags and packed away so when you inevitably get soaked/ all your clothes get muddy/ there's a leak, you still have a dry set to wear. I learnt this on a sailing trip, sadly too late.

More than one waterproof, again there's nothing worse than climbing into a soggy coat yet again.

EggysMom · 22/03/2017 21:33

Up the east coast accross scotland and down the west - so I imagine rarely more than 20 minites from a supermarket

I hope this was meant in jest, otherwise - ROFL - I think you have a shock coming. You might only be 20 minutes from a tiny corner shop, but you can often be 40-60 minutes from a supermarket. I used to live in Argyll, holidayed in Sutherland ...


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MooseBeTimeForSnow · 22/03/2017 21:32

Follow on packs of contraceptive pill?

Sgtmajormummy · 22/03/2017 21:31

Unless you're going somewhere really remote you can buy most of what you need like toothbrushes, sanpro, but don't forget special hair products or contact lens solution.
I ALWAYS forget nail clippers.

Is there anything about to expire but hasn't arrived yet, like a replacement bank card? You'll need to chase them up before you leave.

leddeeburdee · 22/03/2017 21:29

We always carried jump leads in our van.

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