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I am oo fed up of having no money....

50 replies

Nemoinapeartree · 23/11/2006 10:30

...sorry just mini rant to self as DH is not here and need to let off steam..Since tuesday I have had £8 to get me through to next tues. Now of course Dc both needed milk and bread just basics so now down to 50p. I just feel so fed up with our money situation as we are always on the last pennies waiting for money to come. Ds has a bday party tonight for his only real friend and have had to take back one of his xmas presents in order to get one for his friend and a card etc. I didnt want to tell Ds he couldnt go as we are always pulling out of things last minute due to finanaces..i.e food is more important than parties for other people. I just cant see it ever ending even though we had the IVA put in place we are still permanatly skint..not helped by the fact Dhs job have shafted us left right and centre and are again when he was told he would be paid 2 wks at full pay when DB arrives they have now said he will only get statutory paternity..which is fair if we had been expecting it. They refused to pay him whenever DD was in hospital but he couldnt go to work due to childcare of ds etc so am just fed up.

OP posts:
charliecat · 23/11/2006 11:48

Ill dig a hole in the sand next to me for you shall I expat?

expatinscotland · 23/11/2006 11:48

I'm still on the max Lustral dose.

mummyhill · 23/11/2006 11:57

DD was invited to a party this weekend and I din't tell her she had been invited cause I can't afford a present for someone elses kid let alnoe the petrol to get there and back.

CountessDracula · 23/11/2006 12:02

are you ok expat?

Nemoinapeartree · 23/11/2006 12:05

I usually take venlaflaxine for the depression but cant take them while pregnant so am on bloody prozac which is as much use as me throwing them at the wall..they dont touch the sides!!!!

Jarm as for the milk no help as my two are the same and finding the £1.60 for a 6 pint every 2 days has been killing me..god help me when no.3 arrives...

mummyhill there is an online debt counselling thing called consumer credit counselling or something..not 100% sure but we looked into it when we were going to go bankrupt last year..ended up with the IVA instead which at least meant we were not homeless.

charliecat it is that balancing of paying everything next month then running up a bill and paying it again the month after...sigh Only good thing with the IVA is that we are not allowed overdrafts and credit of any type which is good in some ways as we only have what we have but at other times when DS needs new shoes and undies and socks and a coat then it is anightmare trying to only buy one of those things at a time per month.

Expat used to bury my head in the sand then we got to the point last year of the debt collectors knocking it was impossible to do any longer.

OP posts:
Nemoinapeartree · 23/11/2006 12:07

mummyhill I have done that lots lately..loads of the lovely liverpool ladies have had bday parties for their children and invited mine..desperately want to take DC who have yet to go to a bday party[even their own] but cant afford the present, card, wrapping papaer etc..only making the effort today as this is DS special little friend who has been asking for the past 2 wks if DS and DD are coming to his party.

OP posts:
PeachyClair · 23/11/2006 12:07

Sympathies to you all, we've been there before (once when DH's depression was bad and he got fired for sick leave when I was 8 months pg, once when WTC managed to get a virus on oura ccount and thee bank swalloed our wages due to reduced income... had to beg for food from family then, in the summer)

Apart from CAB, these people are a registered charity of debt advisors, should be able to offer proper help without all that debtfreedirect crap attached

expatinscotland · 23/11/2006 12:07

I'm shattered, CD, but oddly, going to the paed helps b/c I know we're moving forward with getting some help for DD1.

The diazepam took the edge off, too

I agree, Nemo, Prozac was useless for me. I considered giving them to my plants to see if there were any improvement .

Nemoinapeartree · 23/11/2006 12:10

peachyclair that is the company I was trying to think of..thanks.

OP posts:
mummyhill · 23/11/2006 12:50

Thanks will have a look at that when the kids are in bed tonight.

jessicaandrebeccasmummy · 23/11/2006 12:52

even more hacked off now - bill has landed on door mat for double what i expected it to be.

up the creek.

im going to have to do something drastic me thinks.

thanks for the rant sharing nemo but i need to sort myself out now rather than wallow.

(fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck fuck fuck)

expatinscotland · 23/11/2006 12:53

The robber barons at Scottish Power raised our direct debt through the ROOF, JARM, so I know where you're coming from.


For a two bed flat.

No choice, either, b/c everything is electric in here - storage heaters, cooker, etc. - and it's a rental.

expatinscotland · 23/11/2006 12:53

I feel your pain!

lockets · 23/11/2006 13:00

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UCM · 23/11/2006 13:46

Can I suggest something for those of you in debt. When a friend got herself upset with this. I got her to write down all of her creditors and wrote a letter to each and every one asking them to stop adding interest and to accept xx amount until the debt was paid off. 80% responded positively and one even accepted 75% of the final debt. Obviously we sat down and worked out what she could afford to pay each month. She had signed up with one of these debt counselling services who charged her for doing just this. Writing to creditors, taking her money and paying a bit back at a time. They were rip off merchants. If anyone would like me to write their letters, or go through it with you, please just let me know. I can't stand to think of parents worrying about stuff like this. We have so much more to worry about and sorting out your debts should NOT COST YOU anything other than the debt.

fizzbuzz · 23/11/2006 13:50

Scottish Power were cheaper than Powergen for us. Powergen wanted to charge us £120.00 (yes you have read that correctly) per month, for a 4 bed house.Scottish Power were the cheapest of all! They are all robbibg **

nutcracker · 23/11/2006 13:54

Can I join too ? Dd2 said to me today "mummy can you get a job", i asked her why and she said "because then we'd have lots of money and you wouldn't need to borrow my change from my piggy bank" .

It is just shite absolutle shite.

ScoobyDooooo · 23/11/2006 13:59

Oh can i join in but not on the money front, i have the flu & so does dd, she is also teething & has been awake most of the nights for the past 2 weeks i am shattered....we are also homeless & have been for the past 8 weeks & i just can not go on...

Life is just crap

mummyhill · 23/11/2006 16:34

I've had enugh todays post was even more shit than usual.

Nemoinapeartree · 23/11/2006 20:03

scoobydooo hope you all feel better soon...

nutty bless her..horrible isnt it I keep doing that to Ds dont know whats worse the fact I take his money or the fact I then have to pay with coppers in the shop

UCM thats a really generous offer hope someone takes you up on it.

OP posts:
charliecat · 23/11/2006 20:11

Yep, missed that, UCM will help anyone get thier finances sorted.
I am not in debt. I just have no money once everythings been paid. So if anyone needs £2 for school or whatever its a balancing act.

lockets · 23/11/2006 20:12

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nutcracker · 23/11/2006 20:15

I do have some debts but I have renegotiated payments with all of them now and am paying less for a while and will be reassessed in a year.

UCM · 23/11/2006 20:32

Sometimes it's just easier to have someone else who is neutral deal with it than face it yourself really. I know when I got myself into debt once, I totally denied what was going on, threw letters in bin etc. It's a crap place.

I am in no debt now but like most of you, need every penny, there are no savings at the end of the month etc.

Bimblin · 24/11/2006 21:00

Hope this doesn't sound out of place, but if you've been charged bank charges in the past for going over your OD limit etc have you tried taking them to court and getting it back? I took HSBC to the small claims court for all the charges they've given me in the last 6 years - it came to £1500 - and they settled out of court for the full amount. That's helped financially.
Let me know if you want details

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