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Sob! I now weigh over 12.5 stone!

20 replies

Nancery · 22/07/2014 10:57

In March I weighed myself on neighbours scales, 12 stone one it said. I was relatively good for a bit, then fell off the wagon, and now seem to be just over 12 and a half! Majorly fucked off!
I am doing MFP as it seems the most suitable for me (am Type 1 Diabetic so low carb / fasting aren't suitable) and know why I've put it on - come to that shortly - but find ît SO hard to stay motivated. Inspire me please!

(I grab things when looking after DS and that tends to often be of the bread / cheese ilk. I have relatively good dinners but also have a couple if glasses of wine with it too.)

OP posts:
Curviest · 08/08/2014 14:23

You are SO right, devil! If it's not our weight then our legs are too short, our hair is too curly or our lips too thin. Society's obsession with women's looks instead of their achievements makes me sick.

Lulabellarama · 08/08/2014 11:28

I thought low carb was perfect for diabetics?

thedevilinside · 08/08/2014 11:23

Let's face it, women are conditioned to feel disgusting whatever their weight. In fact the slimmest ones I know are the ones pinching their stomachs saying how fat they are, yawn. That's why I don't bother any more, because as women we can never win the war. I am trying to lose weight for my health, but attempting to do it from a health perspective, rather than focusing on the way I look.

LumpySpacedPrincess · 08/08/2014 10:37 These guys are great. Loads of free workouts that range from 5 minutes to over an hour.

If you tone up you will feel better no matter what you weigh.

Try and do this every day, after 4 days you will notice a difference.

Throw the scales out and just go by how you feel in your clothes.

HeySoulSister · 08/08/2014 10:25

Well we are all different and see ourselves differently. I'm almost 6 feet tall and 14 stone and feel awfull about it!

I know how you feel op! I'm planning to get back into running. Will lose some weight but feel healthier in my mind as well as body

Curviest · 08/08/2014 09:59

Response to Norksenormous's comment "I'm 14 and a half stone, 5 foot 6. If you are 'fucking disgusting' then what am I?"

I'm 26 stone but I don't think I am disgusting. I have had a lot of problems and turned to food for comfort. Now I am reversing that. No need for insults, even to oneself.

Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:47

norks, sorry, I didn't meant to be rude! I'm sure you're not 'disgusting' in the least, I am just feeling sorry for myself.

Just spoke to DH (who I had a wobble on!) and will be taking the dog out shortly rather than him.

Ironically, generally I am quite scathing re both 'diets' and weights and agree how you feel / look is far more important. However, as I currently feel and look a way I don't wan to this isn't helping.

I was pleasantly surprised the first time I weighed myself, the 12 stone one time, and thought getting another starting point to measure progress was a good idea. Bugger!

I must try and use it as motivation!

OP posts:
NorksEnormous · 22/07/2014 11:32

I'm 14 and a half stone, 5 foot 6. If you are 'fucking disgusting' then what am I? Hmm

Sleepwhenidie · 22/07/2014 11:30

I don't believe in calorie counting, but that's a separate discussion, but a good friend of mine has type 1 diabetes and has lost weight and stabilised his bs massively on a paleo diet. He did about a month super strictly and is now much more relaxed about it, mainly just no white or refined carbs and as little sugar as possible. Have you looked into this?

Legionofboom · 22/07/2014 11:25

I don't think you need to feel disgusting at all.

That said, in the past I have felt exactly like this and I was able to use that 'disgust' to fuel my motivation. In fact I had a total light bulb moment when I thought 'I don't want to live like this anymore or feel like this again' and that became a bit of a mantra for me.

It's not easy though.

Can you plan ahead a bit more with meals to avoid grabbing bread and cheese?

How old is your DS? Could you fit in a 20 min shred DVD each day?

TooTiredToBeCreative · 22/07/2014 11:17

You are not disgusting! The numbers don't matter, how you feel is important! At 5ft 3, at 10.7 I am still technically overweight according to the powers that be but I don't care, I feel great!
A friend of mine is a Zumba instructor. She is a little taller than me- maybe 5.5. She is 12stone and looks amazing! We all carry weight differently & feel our best at different weights so don't get hung up on the numbers, if you are doing lots of hilly walking with the dog you must be pretty fit!

NigellasDealer · 22/07/2014 11:13

nancery! please don't it is only a number!! Flowers

Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:12

I feel fucking disgusting now

OP posts:
Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:12

I do normally too but thought it would be a good idea to update details for MFP

OP posts:
NigellasDealer · 22/07/2014 11:07

I stay well clear of scales Grin - just go on how tight my trousers feel!

Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:07

Thanks! I do fit in exercise at the weekend, have a border collie and live in a hilly area, but not so much during the week As I'm looking after DS and it's far more convenient for DH to walk her (he works from home and can make calls / work while out with her but not with DS in tow.)
Before DS I was far fitter too.
I need to ignore scales too don't i? Unless they are telling me what I want to hear!

OP posts:
TooTiredToBeCreative · 22/07/2014 11:02

I was 12.10 just after Christmas (5ft3) I tracked using MFP and joined the gym & followed the couch to 5k programme. I am now 10.7 and much happier & fitter! I am glad I have done it relatively slowly as I have changed my lifestyle & now enjoy the exercise and don't want to binge eat anymore! You can do it! Good luck.

Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:01

I'd like to think of it as a meaningless number regardless now I think of it!

OP posts:
Nancery · 22/07/2014 11:01

Sorry! Blame the stress! [smike]
Am five foot five, and average build but kinda apple shaped

OP posts:
NigellasDealer · 22/07/2014 10:59

it is a meaningless number without knowing your height and build.....

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