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Infant feeding

paranoid second time mummy needs breastfeeding reassurance

31 replies

hoxtonchick · 02/07/2005 11:42

i gave birth to dd in the early hours of wednesday morning. she was quite diddy, at 6lbs11oz & has lost some weight since. as i have diabetes her blood sugars were monitored for 24 hours, and she had 2 formula feeds. these were from a cup, so no nipple confusion. she's a little bit jaundiced, but only very mildly. she's taken to breastfeeding well i think, is latching on pretty easily and sucks away. oh, & after i had her i lost a lot of blood, had loads of iv fluid and am on iron tablets.

here's the paranoia bit. she spends literally hours at a time sucking. and if she isn't on the breast she's desperately rooting for more, which i always give. i don't remember ds doing this at all. she does seem satisfied, goes to sleep & has reasonably long periods awake. so, is this normal in a 3/4 day old? and the other thing is, where's my milk? i didn't get engorged at all last time, just noticed ds looked milky after a feed, but i'm sure the milk was here by this time. i need to stop her losing weight to get the midwife off our case. i honestly don't see how she could suck more to stimulate the supply, but it just hasn't arrived yet. i know it should be any time now, please can someone just tell me it'll be soon!

ps my hormones are a bit all over the place atm....

OP posts:
roosmum · 04/07/2005 21:39

hc - forgot to say that the most impt. part of getting ds to bf was by using nipple shields...for some reason he (at first) wouldn't go near nipples without them - used them for abt 2 to 3 dayd & then managed to get him to feed without them. def. saved us from ff here IMO!
enjoy her tininess, it zooms past

hoxtonchick · 04/07/2005 21:49

thanks again roosmum. we haven't had to use nipple shields so far, but will bear it in mind if she gets unsettled again.

OP posts:
hoxtonchick · 05/07/2005 15:07

4 dirty nappies so far today and counting....

OP posts:
mears · 05/07/2005 15:12


hoxtonchick · 05/07/2005 16:34

my mum's staying & she thought i was loony when i said i had to tell you all...

OP posts:
merryberry · 09/07/2005 11:13

hc, guys, my little vincent - dob 07/07/05 - and i are hard on florence's heels with these problems. just want to say this thread is the most reassuring and helpful thing i ever saw! we will

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