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4 month old baby hardly eating anything!!!!

10 replies

reallybloodystressed · 14/02/2009 08:09

Can anyone help me with either reassurance, advice or by sharing similar experiences please?

My 4month old has never been a brilliant eater. He was a big baby (10 lbs +), but his weight gain has slowed since birth.

He was exclusively breastfed until 3 weeks ago, when I switched him to forumula during the day and breastfeeds at night and first thin in the morning.

The thing is, that he drinks such tiny amounts- surely it can't be enough?? He typically eats 2-3oz 6 times a day. Recently, he's started to refuse both bottle and boob first thing (so no 7am feed) and is sleeping through from 12-7, so no middle of the night feed. This means his typical consumption has now shrunk to around 10-15oz a day!

I'm so worried. Everyone keeps telling me that he'll eat when he's hungry and not to get stressed about it, but I can't help but worry. He actually had me reduced to tears this morning.

He poohs once a day (it's usually a biggie) and has lots of wet nappies (although not as soaking as they used to be). He's contented (hardly ever cries) and is alert.

Should I take him to the GP? Are the going to think I'm nuts?

Thanks for reading.

OP posts:
louisejxxx · 13/03/2016 21:28

Have you tried quicker flow teats with the bottles? If the milk isn't coming out quick enough then maybe she is just getting fed up and giving up (if it wasn't 6 years too late I'd give the same advice to the op!)

Littlebabyolive · 11/03/2016 18:08

I see this thread is super old, but it is so close to my situation with my 4 month old girl that I just had to sorry. We have had an unsteady beginning, i found it hard to figure out what she needed and I don't have much confidence in my boob output :/ so I was topping her up with formula as advised. I estimate that she takes in 18 ounces a day with both and she has never changed from that. She worries me because summer is coming up soon and it gets rather hot where I live. She was 8lbs 8 oz at birth and is now a bit over 13lbs so not a big huge baby. Curious how your babies are now despite their feeding challenges. Thanks ❤

SnowlightMcKenzie · 20/02/2009 20:51

Are you feeding him regular formula or hungry baby formula?

nicnic01 · 20/02/2009 17:05

hey, i am in similar situation. My 20 week DD has been having formula during the day for past week and breast feed once or twice overnight and first thing. She occasionally has a whole 6 oz bottle but more often than not she has 2 oz. she seems to have very little from breast so I would guess she only has 15-16 oz at most. I do worry as she seems hungry when I start to feed her, usually every 3hr, maybe more, but she starts spitting it out when she has had enough. She is obviously filling up or she would have more. Or at least that is what I keep telling myself! THe thing that worries me is how I can expect her to sleep through the night until she starts having more during the day.Weight wise she is fine so I just keep thinking that she is so used to being on demand by breast that it is going to take a while to settle into a routine. I am wasting so much formula but hey ho! Im just going to try to stay relaxed and give her more time! Also trying to introduce solids (unsucessfully, we may aswell just smear it straight on her bib) so lots of new things going on for her. As long as she is happy and healthy, Im sure all is well. good to hear we are not alone though. Good luck!

reallybloodystressed · 14/02/2009 08:54


OP posts:
reallybloodystressed · 14/02/2009 08:54

The thing is that in the last few days, he's pretty much cut out the breastfeeding because he isn't eating in the middle of the night and won't eat first thing, so he's just been getting that 10-15oz a day.

If i try and offer him the boob or some more forumala after he drinks his 2oz from the bottle, he just won't entertain the idea and pokes his tongue out and twists his head away. I just can't get him to drink anymore. I've even tried to do it while he is asleep and he just spits the milk out.

He was almost of the scale in terms of his weight chart when he was born. Last time I weighed him ( 3 weeks ago) he was careering down to 50th centile.

Should I be worried? I just don't know whether I'm over reacting or not.

OP posts:
madmouse · 14/02/2009 08:53

It is not unusual for babies do go down from very high to still pretty high centiles (my ds is off the scale on the bottom side )

but if you are sure he gets so little milk some advice may be a good idea. have you tried a different formula brand or changing the temperature? maybe he does not like the taste?

reallybloodystressed · 14/02/2009 08:49

The thing is that in the last few days, he's pretty much cut out the breastfeeding because he isn't eating in the middle of the night and won't eat first thing, so he's just been getting that 10-15oz a day.

If i try and offer him the boob or some more forumala after he drinks his 2oz from the bottle, he just won't entertain the idea and pokes his tongue out and twists his head away. I just can't get him to drink anymore. I've even tried to do it while he is asleep and he just spits the milk out.

He was almost of the scale in terms of his weight chart when he was born. Last time I weighed him ( 3 weeks ago) he was careering down to 50th centile.

Should I be worried? I just don't know whether I'm over reacting or not.

OP posts:
Runoutofideas · 14/02/2009 08:38

You are maybe worrying more because he is now on some formula and you can see how much he is taking. Maybe he's taking more breast milk than you think and just topping up a bit with the formula. If his weight is dropping down the centiles then the health visitor will let you know if there's any need for concern. He must be getting what he needs or he would be really miserable. You may find he feeds more in a couple of months once he's on some solids but in the meantime have a chat with the HV if you are worried.

madmouse · 14/02/2009 08:34

You say his weight gain has slowed since birth, but can you quantify that? Has he careered down the centiles, has he lost weight?

He may be catching down from his birth weight to what he is supposed to be. He may be getting more breast milk then you realise. If he does a big poo everyday stuff must be getting in.

But if you are worried why not speak to your health visitor, that is what they are for

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