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Support thread for Elkiedee - come on mumsnet - good vibes needed!

25 replies

Northernlurker · 08/02/2009 18:50

Elkiedee gave birth to her second son, Connor, this week. She had an emergency c-section and is now working to get breastfeeding established - in the face of variable support from health care professionals. Today Elkie and Connor have been readmitted to hospital because he has lost weight. This thread is to show her support, to let her know we are thinking of her and her wee one and we are behind her all the way. Lots of prayers, good vibes and wishes please!

OP posts:
moondog · 18/02/2009 23:31

Hi Elkie.

Hope you are being supported by people who know about breastfeeding.
Link to Hunker's fab blog here with all the breastfeeding organisations' contact details.

elkiedee · 18/02/2009 23:26

Thanks so much for this, I'm really touched though I didn't know about this thread - got back yesterday (17 February) on "home leave" from hospital after being in for 9 days and losing hope, first I thought we might get out at the weekend and then on Monday, then on Monday thought it would be Wednesday (so Tuesday was a nice surprise!).

Feeding is going well though am having to supplement breastfeeding with formula top ups. I believe what the hospital is saying about the record amount of weight loss (17.5% - eek) but know of sooooo many cases of babies who have taken easily 3 weeks or more to regain birth weight - think it took DS1 about 17 days.

NorthernLurker · 16/02/2009 20:17

Message to a poster on our post natal thread says feeding going well though Connor hasn't put weight on yet but she is hoping to be 'set free' soon so I guess she is still in hospital. Anyway - great news that feeding is going well - keep those vibes coming!

OP posts:
TheGreatScootini · 14/02/2009 20:05

Was wondering how it was she still in hosp does anyone know?

Sending you all the best Elkie...x

LaTrucha · 14/02/2009 20:01

How's it going ELkie?

Lucewheel · 12/02/2009 12:11

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booksgalore · 12/02/2009 10:26

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LaTrucha · 12/02/2009 09:54

Congratulations Elkie. It'll all be worth it!

Northernlurker · 11/02/2009 18:52

Thanks Runny - what great news though! HUGE well done to Elkie

OP posts:
runnyhabbit · 11/02/2009 18:23

message from elkie

"Getting better all the time but still tough challenge - todays he's just on my milk - no SMA - great but scary"

ShowOfHands · 11/02/2009 16:58

elkie, I've not been on MN much of late so have missed all of this.

I'm sorry you're having problems again this time round. I hope you're getting lots of support.

When you've settled in to being a mother of 2 we'll organise a Cambridge meet up so we can talk music and I can coo over your boys.

Take care.

runnyhabbit · 11/02/2009 16:53

Text Elkie last night asking how they were, and letting her know we're all thinking of her. She replied that she had managed to feed 3 times during the night, laying down

MN vibes are obv working

weeonion · 11/02/2009 15:51

elkie - how are things going for you now?

StealthPolarBear · 10/02/2009 19:59

Hi elkie, not sure whether you are home yet or not. Hope things are going well and D is still enjoying "his" baby

Northernlurker · 10/02/2009 16:22

Bumping this again

OP posts:
LaTrucha · 09/02/2009 20:53

Congratulations Elkie! Best of luck with the feeding. You can do it!

IAteMakkaPakka · 09/02/2009 20:50

Congratulations Elkie and welcome to Connor! Sending you good vibes, keep tht little baby close to you and feed, feed, feed

fymmumoftwo · 09/02/2009 20:48


drink water and keep your energy levels up with lots of chocolate as well as bananas and cereal bars...

you've got a big old baby there am feeding mine every hour to keep my lo's tummy full (10lb 5)- you can do it...

my mum swears Guinness got her milk supply going - each to heir own.

givethedogAhomebirth · 09/02/2009 09:00

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Bramshott · 08/02/2009 20:29

Hang in there Elkie!

fourlittlefeet · 08/02/2009 19:41

Elkie, make sure you eat regularly, drink plenty of water, and try and get some naps in when Connor sleeps.. I know its not easy with a toddler, but you need your strength (and sanity) to deal with the early weeks of b'fing a new born.... YOU CAN DO IT!!! I got loads of biscuits/bagels/bananas and some foods not begninning with B, like chocolate, to nibble on as it seems there is never time to feed yourself and that can get you down so eat !

Fennel tea is great for milk production, and for getting into your milk and helping their wind, so try and get a pack of that too.

madmouse · 08/02/2009 19:20

Elkie congratulations on the birth of Connor. Hang on in there! Hoping you are getting lots of cuddles with your beautiful boy whilst sorting out the feeding


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Themasterandmargaritas · 08/02/2009 19:18

Oh poor Elkie and Conor. I hope you both manage to get your bf routine established soon, fingers crossed.

givethedogAhomebirth · 08/02/2009 19:13

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belgo · 08/02/2009 18:54

Congratulations Elkiedee! I hope things quickly get sorted with feeding your new ds and that you are getting the best support possible

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