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Infant feeding

Out of the mouths of .....

7 replies

Prufrock · 03/03/2005 17:54

Just thought I'd share a conversation I had with dd (2.10) this am. I am very proud of my educational efforts.

Dd "can I put your bra on Mummy"
Me "On me or on you"
Dd "on you mummy, I not got any boobies"
After putting on of said bra
Dd "when I am older I will have boobies too mummy then I can feed mummy milk as well"

OP posts:
emkana · 03/03/2005 21:46

That's really funny, prufrock - my dd1 said exactly the same to me the other day - how she would have breasts when she grew up and would be able to give milk to dd2 then! I even started a thread about it, but noone took any notice...

Mum2Ela · 03/03/2005 21:00

for some reason dd feeds her dollies by lifting up her top and sticking them to her belly button!

janeybops · 03/03/2005 19:50

my dd went to Nursery with 2 breast pads stuffed down her vest when ds was little and being bf!

NotQuiteCockney · 03/03/2005 19:46

DS1's doll gets an invisible bottle of EBM, apparently from the little girl he's decided is the doll's mum.

006 · 03/03/2005 17:58

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cazzybabs · 03/03/2005 17:56

Thats sweet.

My dd1(2.9) looked at my breat pump (or milking machine as its known in our house) and said "When I'm a woman I use that".

HunkerMunker · 03/03/2005 17:55

Oh, sweetheart! That's lovely!

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