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Urgent help needed to switch 4 month old to bottles

31 replies

Enjoythesilence · 08/08/2008 12:49

I have never posted before but I could really do with some help. I have been diagnosed with a serious medical problem which means I need to give up breastfeeding dd quickly so we are trying to go cold turkey today. She took 2oz from a bottle at 7am but nothing since then. She's been screaming her head off for the last hour but just won't suck from the bottle. Does anyone have any advice/experience? I am worried that she'll get dehydrated if she doesn't have anything soon.

OP posts:
mears · 11/08/2008 18:43

I hope your operation goes smoothly for you. Have you had any luck with the bottles?

TheProvincialLady · 11/08/2008 19:03

So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope your MRI and operation go well and you make a swift recovery. I had an MRI once and you know I found it quite relaxing (I am a bit odd I know!). They are really lovely to you.

If you contact the LLL in advance they will be able to look up the various drugs you are prescribed and can offer some advice on giving a bottle now as well as hopfully starting up BF again later if that is possible and what you want to do.

Some ideas I would try are to give EBM if possible at first so there is not a taste issue, and also to try and approach bottle feeding as if it was from the breast. So skin to skin and getting your DD to open her mouth wide and draw the bottle teat in with her tongue as if she was BF. It doesn't have to be just shove the bottle in and that might be what she objects to.

petra1 · 05/10/2008 23:11

you may not get this post but hope you are well.I know what you are going through.Take care.

mytetherisending · 05/10/2008 23:33

Really dorry about your condition. I have just managed to get my stubborn 6mth old to take bottles. I had to get DH to feed her formula, she wouldn't take EBM from a bottle at all. I tried SMA first but she didn't like it, so I would try Aptimil,cow and gate or hipp organic instead of that.

Have you got someone else who could feed her for you. I found that initially dd wouldn't have a bottle from me at all because she could smell breastmilk on me. Eventually she gave in and takes cow and gate formula from a tommee tippee closer to nature bottle (didn't like Avent ones at all) Sorry I can't help more.

mytetherisending · 05/10/2008 23:33


chipmonkey · 06/10/2008 00:31

MTIE, that cold is affecting your typing!

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