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Breast Feeding Advertisement on TV

5 replies

McDreamy · 30/04/2008 12:18

We don't get regular advertisements out here, they are all public service type broadcasts, drink driving, smoking, test you fire alarms, sunscreen etc and I've just seen one on breast feeding. It was done by BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Service).

I just wondered why they don't go national with it. They have done the smoking ones haven't they?

OP posts:
blondiep14 · 30/04/2008 17:50

I've seen the 2 girls on a bench one as well.

Good idea. Shame they couldn't come up with anything less cringey. I really don't think it's going to appeal to the age group of the girls featured to be honest.

Still, better than not trying at all

skidoodle · 30/04/2008 17:48

Yesterday I thought I saw an ad for BFing but it turned out to be an ad for some kind of formula in disguise.

I went from
"how cool, an ad promoting breastfeeding"
"WTF they are trying to pretend that moving on to this formula is as natural as breastfeeding"

It would be so great if there were ads like the one I initially thought I was watching.

jingleyjen · 30/04/2008 17:44

we have one that is shown regularly here on channel 5 2 girls sitting on a bench one breastfeeding - the other saying eugh.. doesn't it hurt.. aren't you embarrassed.. blah blah blah, and the breastfeeding girl just dispelling myths. It ends with the sceptical girl saying if she has a baby she might try it.

milkgoddessmakesthefinestmilk · 30/04/2008 17:42

i think they might do on national bf week

serant · 30/04/2008 17:36

oh, i'd love to see these, it would be an excellent start would'nt it!

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