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Infant feeding

21 week old feeding every 2 hours through the night!!

7 replies

oliviaelanasmum · 11/02/2008 15:42

Is this normal, she was sleeping through before xmas but has recently been waking every 2 hours, drinking 6oz, nappy changed and back to sleep. She is not having naps during the day only if we go out in the car or if she is in her pram but never more than 30 mins, usually just a cat nap.
She is on sma white already.

OP posts:
oliviaelanasmum · 12/02/2008 08:03

She is really short but very fat! She is now going into 3-6 clothes for her height but her belly and cloth bum means everything has to ne lycra. She was 8'11 at birth so she was quite rotund to start with!

OP posts:
DivaSkyChick · 11/02/2008 22:58

Sure sounds like a growth spurt - but since Christmas? That's a hell of a spurt! How tall is she?!! lol

Your dp sounds like a keeper, even if he doesn't have "mummy ears" yet.

oliviaelanasmum · 11/02/2008 20:09

Yes she usually drinks almost all of the six ounces, i have tried giving her the dummy but she just wont settle without drinking the milk. She goes to bed fine at 7pm, she has a clean nappy, jamas on and last feed in bedroom before laying her in her crib saying goodnight and just leaving the room. She settles immediatly and is asleep before i get downstairs again! Do you think this could just be a growth spurt?
Luckilly dp has been helping and getting up with her but as i have to kick him to get up im still having broken sleep!

OP posts:
DivaSkyChick · 11/02/2008 19:59

Does she drink six oz each and every two hours at night? Would you consider replacing one of the feeds with water to see if she's really hungry or just eating from habit?

If she's not taking naps (30 mins doesn't really count?) then it's possible she's very overtired, which has the inverse consequence of making her not sleep. She might be eating out of habit, as a soothing way to fall back asleep.

I guess I'm saying this could be more of a sleep training issue than a feeding issue? Just a thought. Good luck, you've got to be wrecked from exhaustion right now!

oliviaelanasmum · 11/02/2008 19:34

She is already on solids 3 times a day so i just can think what else to feed her. She goes to bed lovely at 7 as she is always v. tired. Then she will sleep till 11 and then every 2 hours after that she will be up feeding!

OP posts:
choufleur · 11/02/2008 18:57

yes she could just be hungry. bit of baby rice maybe?

Elasticwoman · 11/02/2008 16:26

Is she having any solid food yet?

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