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Hole in Nipple, what can I do?

8 replies

snix · 31/12/2007 12:32

Ds is 3 weeks old today and I have really struggled with bfing. Firstly my milk was really slow coming in. (so much so that he went from 7lb 9oz at birth to 6lb 11oz in a week) Then I had a blocked duct which I fed through and is now ok and finally I got a massive blister on my right nipple which is now like an open sore and is getting more painful with every feed. I've been using chamillosan after feeding on that side which isn't helping an awful lot and leaving it uncovered as much as poss to let the air get to it, but ds is feeding practically constantly at the mo (midwife said thats because he's started to put his weight back on-7lb1.5oz at last weigh) and will calm down. It just seems to be getting worse and worse and I am so close to ffing because of how painful it is. I've tried expressing from that side but can't get any out. Just want to add that I don't leak milk in any way, I haven't needed to use breast pads once. Please can anyone help me? Am getting desperate.

OP posts:
determination · 31/12/2007 23:06

i would definately say silverette they saved bfing for me without a doubt. i was totally healed within 2 days.

snix · 31/12/2007 17:36

Thankyou all for your advice xx

OP posts:
Haylo · 31/12/2007 16:41

l had the same thing, would recommend the moist healing approach, similar to what they use for burns. l got some sheets of Jelonet from the chemist (around 65p for a 10x10 cm square), and cut it into about 6 squares. Apply a large blob of Lansinoh to your nipple and then layer 2-3 of the jelonet squares over the top, finally place a breast pad on top to hold in place. The jelonet is kind of net like covered in vaseline type stuff which keeps the wound moist, the lansinoh helps too, change after each feed. l had a badly cracked and open nipple for several weeks, the pain very nearly made me give up BFing, this approach helped it heal to with 24-36 hours. Good luck

TheBlonde · 31/12/2007 13:18

I would really recommend seeing or speaking to a BFC asap

Take painkillers for the pain

I had a bad gash from feeding DC2. I wouldn't recommend letting air to it. Wet healing is best. There is some info on but I can't find it right now

Basically slather on the cream as soon as your DS comes off.

fishie · 31/12/2007 13:03

ouch sounds very painful. agree with lizs, you need to speak to a bf counsellor asap, do you have numbers?

LIZS · 31/12/2007 12:43

Don't worry about not leaking , some just don't (I rarely did unless I missed a feed). Can you call a bfc line today ? There is something called Jellonet (?) which helps healing - ask at chemist.If it is infected you may need ab's though, is your surgery open ? Also varying the feeding position so you can feed from that side but with less pressure on the sore area could help.

sparklyjen · 31/12/2007 12:42

Also, I used nipple shields to help with the pain but apparently they can interfere with supply so might not be a good option for you...
Hang in there though, you're doing really well

sparklyjen · 31/12/2007 12:34

Go and see your gp. I had a similar thing which wouldn't heal until I got anti-biotics which sorted it quickly.

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