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Infant feeding

Milk has come in - not breastfeeding

32 replies

2gd2btrue · 11/05/2021 21:59

Baby is a week old tomorrow, my milk came in on day 3/4 but it hasn't dried up yet.

It's lumpy, painful and I keep leaking everywhere. My boobs are massive (they don't usually grow in pregnancy!) And wearing a bra 24/7 is driving me mad.

Does anyone know how long it usually takes to dry up?

OP posts:
Parker231 · 14/05/2021 11:26

I didn’t want to bf. I wore tight vest type bras for a couple of weeks and it seemed to work.
@Runway - I still had amazing DC’s.

2gd2btrue · 14/05/2021 11:34

Actually, just to add, I wanted to breastfeed but I also think it's completely ok to not do it just because you don't want to for whatever reason. It's no one else's business what anyone does with their body! This was just explaining my personal circumstances.

OP posts:
wasthataburp · 14/05/2021 11:46

You will need to just ride it out. Takes a few days of very hard and sore boobs but will soften up after a few days. Wear a high impact sports bra

devildeepbluesea · 14/05/2021 11:49

@Ninkanink 3 times.

Runway · 14/05/2021 12:58

I’m sorry I don’t know why I was such an areshole. Good luck op

2gd2btrue · 14/05/2021 13:26

Thank you @Runway

OP posts:
Mizydoscape · 14/05/2021 14:46

Double yes to cabbage leaves. I don't know why it works but they do. Keep in the fridge then take a couple out, squash them a bit and put 1 in each cup. It felt so amazing. The smell is a bit weird though...

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