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Do any RL people actually BF? Or is it just the imaginary people on MN?

62 replies

evenhope · 16/09/2007 11:47

There were only 2 mums at my baby massage class who weren't bf, but now that DD is 6 months old and I'm starting to try out other baby groups I'm starting to feel like an endangered species

There were 5 other babies at the group I went to on Friday, every single one of them ff. Talk was of how long in advance to make up feeds and storage of milk powder...they may as well have been discussing astrophysics!!

When I had DD1 in 1986 I never came across anyone ff at all. Have things really changed that much in 20 years?

(Or have I not found the right groups- where are you hiding?!!)

OP posts:
KristinaM · 19/09/2007 09:26

sleep in same bed

me and my Dh co-sleep

come to think of it, sleep is all we do ....[sigh]

maisym · 19/09/2007 09:27

sorry lorayn - I meant sleeping with your baby. It helped me to bf and rest at the same time. Check the unicef website for advice on this.

evilreturns · 19/09/2007 09:27

try asking HVs about local bfing groups - or set up your own! we do have one, and an nct baby group too - at the moment the nct has abou 9 babies between 6 wks and 6 months and only 1 is bf.

indiasmum · 19/09/2007 09:33

well i bf all 3 of mine and i think i'm pretty much existing in RL. opposite to you, i rarely see people bottle feeding esp little babies. i agree its less common to see toddlers being bf but then that would tend to be more at home, bedtimes etc ime. depends where you hang out i guess.

Lorayn · 19/09/2007 09:38

I thought it would be that, I was talking about it with DP last night actually, I kind of did it with DS, I'd put him to bed when I went down, but he always stayed in bed with me from when he woke for his night feed til we got up.

I'll check out that website now, thanks.

CaptainCaveman · 19/09/2007 09:39

In my antenatal class only 2 of us bf'd (20% of us!)
But of my friends that have had children only 2 have chosen not to bf, for their own reasons (hastily adds - am not being judgemental here!)

whomovedmychocolate · 19/09/2007 10:01

DD is 11 months and still bfing - I nurse her if she is hungry wherever we are. If people have a problem with it, it's their problem, not mine. But yes it does seem sadly that ff is now the norm

evenhope · 19/09/2007 14:22

I saw the HV last week. She seemed v impressed that I was still bf and I thought that was odd. The mother waiting to be seen was bf her small baby (& DH thought she was odd because she didn't laugh when he belched- we did!).

I was going to try another group today but I couldn't face it and now have to wait in for rentokil as we have Indian mealmoths- yuk yuk yuk! First swimming lesson tomorrow!

OP posts:
evenhope · 19/09/2007 14:23

Must preview... the other mother was bottle feeding... duh

OP posts:
TheDuchess · 19/09/2007 14:41

There are about 10 of us in our post-natal group and all are still breast-feeding bar 2. Our babies are coming up to one.

I don't breastfeed in public anymore because he tends not to ask for it, but I would if he wanted it. He is mainly just am and evening now but then I do work full time.

To be honest I don't really know anyone who ff, then our baby group tend to avoid organised baby related things and mainly meet in our houses.

KristinaM · 19/09/2007 22:40

i am still bf DS2 who is 20 months and i am real. i dont go to any groups so thats why you havent seen me.but if you look very closely into your monitor you will see i am Bf right now. in fact it is my main excuse for mumsnetting. and for teh bad typing and lack of capitals as i only have one hand

see i am not wasting hours on Mn on idle chat, I am feeding the baby = important stuff

RidgewayLass · 20/09/2007 21:16

Evenhope, maybe it's just where you are, there probably are variations nationally. What I have found is that when I BF my 3-month-old in public, other mums start doing it too, so I do see quite a lot of it. It's as if they don't want to be the first one. It would be amusing to try: go to the supermarket at a busy time, sit in the cafe, and start feeding, nice and discreetly and nonchalantly. And let us know what happens.

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