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Breastfeeding, rash on boob (pic attached)

7 replies

TheosMam · 17/08/2019 09:03

I've woken up with a very itchy boob. I'm just wondering if it's anything nasty and whether it's safe to breastfeed from that boob still?

Can't get hold of HV over weekend.

Breastfeeding, rash on boob (pic attached)
OP posts:
Futuremama2025 · 23/02/2022 02:05

This thread I have the same one but not pregnant and on depo can this still happen like on cycle can still contain milk even if don’t have kids

JennaLou7 · 12/02/2021 11:32

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Ilovelala · 08/04/2020 15:37

I have something similar , mine is Pompholyx excema

Crads89 · 08/04/2020 15:34

Hi. Iv got a something similar to this. I was wondering if it's thrush but baby dosnt have symptoms and pics of thrush rash looks different

SleepingIsOverrated · 17/08/2019 12:35

How strange! And it's not anywhere else?
It looks like an allergy maybe, but I don't know!! Sorry op, I'm clueless!!!

TheosMam · 17/08/2019 11:21

@SleepingIsOverrated No just itchy and sore!

OP posts:
SleepingIsOverrated · 17/08/2019 09:10

Op, is it hot or tender to touch?

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