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Infant feeding

7 month old refusing bottle

11 replies

Mumoftwo1980 · 22/11/2017 00:47

I BF my 7 month old and used to give him top up bottles of expressed milk he took these no bother but has now decided to refuse any bottle and screams when we put it near him. Any advise on how to encourage him ? Tried different bottles and varying temperatures.

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Mumoftwo1980 · 27/11/2017 17:04

My daughter was the same I ended up stopping feeding her at 11 months as it was a waste of time she took a bottle no problem though!

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paperandpaint · 27/11/2017 16:53

No advice but you have my sympathies! My nearly 8 month old is becoming very distracted when feeding. He is breastfed but now instead of enjoying his milk he looks around, spits it out, bites me - basically he just has a carry on when he is meant to be feeding! I am introducing a bedtime bottle this week but I'm expecting the same!

Mumoftwo1980 · 27/11/2017 16:53

I have been making his food with expressed milk and formula and continuing to breast feed but I am going away for a weekend and he is staying at home with daddy so was hoping he would have taken the bottle but I have a few weeks to keep trying !

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Mumoftwo1980 · 27/11/2017 16:50

Hiya tried sippy cup also and he just throws the cup around! He takes it off a spoon which I suppose is progress so just need to keep trying in the hope he changes his mind !

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GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 27/11/2017 16:37

That’s a shame. Another thing would be to add quite a bit of milk to his food if he really doesn’t want to drink it.

Mumoftwo1980 · 27/11/2017 15:23

Hiya tried sippy cup also and he just throws the cup around! He takes it off a spoon which I suppose is progress so just need to keep trying in the hope he changes his mind x

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GhoulWithADragonTattoo · 27/11/2017 15:02

Will he take a sippy cup instead?

Practicallyperfectwithprosecco · 24/11/2017 21:48

Dd refused milk from 9 months and it became a battle. She was on solids though and eating weetabix yoghurts, cheese. Drs said if she was eating well then not to worry - she is now a healthy teen so no harm done. Speak to health visitor see what they think.

Mumoftwo1980 · 24/11/2017 21:38

Thank you for the advice, have tried different positions, family members and friends have tried, different times of day, types of bottle, breast milk and formula and he refuses everything ! Just need to keep trying ! One day he will cave in !

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INeedNewShoes · 22/11/2017 23:59

Try holding him away from you, for example lengthways on your knee so that his feet are by your tummy. He may be objecting to being held in the BF position only to be given a bottle.

My DD's babysitter sometimes has to put DD in her bouncy chair to get her to take her bottle.

Dragonfree · 22/11/2017 23:56

I'm not sure I have any advice about encouraging, but have you checked he's not teething?

Have you tried different teats / bottles. It might be worth a go if you can get hold of some.

I wonder if offering him a bottle at the start, middle and end of the feed might encourage him. Before he gets some milk he'll be hungry, so he possibly feels like you're trying to starve him.

He might be more relaxed in the middle or end.

It's just a suggestion though, based on what I would do.

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