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Infant feeding

For people worried about the amount they can express.....

5 replies

Runninglate · 10/04/2007 10:34

read this article

OP posts:
fannyannie · 10/04/2007 22:29

then you get wierdo's like me who pumped more milk than they needed for DS1 (who then refused to drink any of it from bottle, cup, spoon etc so it all got binned ) but did BF for 14 months and then could hardly get an ounce out when trying to get something into DS2 - who was subsequently bottlefed from 5 days old LOL

Trinityrhino · 10/04/2007 22:28

wow, thanks for that link, feel better now
I can get 2oz when I hand express and thought I wasn't managing it properly

Runninglate · 10/04/2007 22:26

I think that we are all more normal than we could possibly hope for!!!! .

I didn't know about the shaken not stirred (or rather, the other way around!) thing either!!

OP posts:
pinkspottywellies · 10/04/2007 11:15

Thanks! Just read that and also another page which said you shouldn't shake the milk as it breaks up the protiens. Swirl it gently to mix. Didn't know that!

kateyp · 10/04/2007 10:58

Wow - I can manage about an ounce from each side and thought I was just rubbish at it (I wasn't especially worried - just wanted to get a little so I can get a bit of a sleep in the evening whilst DH gives him a little bit of a "putter on" until his next full feed!) so am amazed to read that that is normal!

I am normal! Who would've thought it?!

What a great article! Thank you.


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