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Does hungry baby milk work?

27 replies

Rachylou88 · 12/10/2016 05:48


I have been considering trying hungry baby milk lo is10 weeks on Friday and currently on Sma pro.
He is taking approx 5oz every 3 hours rarely goes 4 hours between feeds.

I know every baby is different but most of the other babies we know his age are going longer between feeds and he has been going 3 hours since he was born when he was taking 2/3oz. I thought that the more milk he's having the longer he would go between feeds but it doesn't matter how much milk he has -(he varies from 3/4oz to 5/6 oz) bang on 3 hours he is screaming. So I'm wondering is it the milk and would the hungry baby milk help him last a little longer ?

I was considering just giving him a hungry baby milk after his bath to try and help him start sleep longer at night. One of my concerns with switching formulas is I've heard it can cause tummy trouble ?

I just feel like I'm doing something wrong, like he isn't getting enough.Sad

He was born 3 weeks early -not sure if this makes any difference to how he's feeding


OP posts:
MrsTmilknosugar · 30/07/2018 03:09

We are 11.5weeks and in the daytime can do anything from 2oz every hour to chugging 2 4oz bottles back to back after sleeping for 3hrs.
Its hard to predict but she is climbing steadily up the 50th percentile on the chart in her book so i'm not worried.
Give them what they want when they want it, its cruel to make them wait.
Please don't listen to other people's unwanted advice, YOU know your baby, go with your gut in every instance.
(I am still trying to but feel more confident for trying already!)

MrsTmilknosugar · 30/07/2018 03:14

I accidentally pasted from another post on the end there! Ignore everything after not worried!! 😂🙈

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