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local anasthaetic - sorry can't spell that word - and BF

10 replies

Paddlechick666 · 04/01/2007 15:52


I'm due to have a toenail removed in a couple of weeks and it will be done under local.

How does this affect BF? DD is only BF mornings and around 7pm. The local is scheduled for 9:15am.

Any info/advice gratefully received.


OP posts:
foxabout2pop · 07/01/2007 11:35

Paddle when is your op? If I'm not in work I could take you home. Is it West Mid?

Piffle · 06/01/2007 21:15

not ok pain wise might I add, but fine from drugs transmission, like Tiktok says , pretty similar to what I was told, obv depends on anaethetic though. If you tell them then they can choose an appropriate one

Piffle · 06/01/2007 21:14

I had local for removal of breast abscess and was ok for feeding straight away

Paddlechick666 · 06/01/2007 21:03

thanks everyone, i'm reassured.

next is to figure out what to do on the day of the op. i'm not allowed to walk far or get the bus home etc.

dd will be in childcare so will prob have to cab it home and rest up and hope dd's not hot to trot for the next 10 days!

wishful thinking lol

OP posts:
foxabout2pop · 06/01/2007 18:57

Paddle - I've had dental work done under local and was told it wouldn't get into the breastmilk as its only local. If it doesn't travel to other parts of your body I think it would be unlikely to affect DD>

TheBlonde · 04/01/2007 16:11

I've had GA twice and continued to bf
Double check with the docs but I expect you will be fine

Paddlechick666 · 04/01/2007 16:10

thanks tiktok, you guys have kick started my common sense brain area!

i thought i'd have to wait ages for treatment so was a bit panic stricken when he said 22nd Jan!

OP posts:
Paddlechick666 · 04/01/2007 16:08

hi mari

good point! i also bf after birth and was on morphine!

dd is 14 months and eats really well. has just started on milk drinks too.

i mean, it'll be nearly 10 hours since the local went in. what do people about dentistry i wonder?

i'm not looking forward to it tbh but have lived with ouchy toe for a year and now dd takes delight in stamping on it so must be brave and get it sorted!

thanks for responding

OP posts:
tiktok · 04/01/2007 16:07

It's a local anaesthetic and therefore not systemic, and therefore there is no chance anything but the slightest trace will get anywhere near the breastmilk, paddle. Check with the doctor though, as I am not a medic.

Remember, mothers bf straight away after a section with a general anaesthetic, as soon as they come round, and no one worries a bit....and a GA certainly is systemic

MariNativityPlay · 04/01/2007 15:59

How old is dd? Is she already on other sources of nourishment (eg, solids), I would actually not worry and just feed her as normal at bedtime. The way I look at it, I was tanked up on voltarol and an awful IV line post dd's delivery and was still expected, and was happy to, feed her as a newborn .
That sounds like an ouchy sort of procedure, hope it goes OK.

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