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Stopping Breastfeeding For 3 Days ~ How Much To Pump To Keep Supply Up?

40 replies

QuootiepiesChristmasName · 17/12/2006 17:28

Im not sure how much & how often I need to pump to keep my supply up. Its been 24 hours now since I BFed, and having my first pump, but hardy anything is coming out. My boobs are rock hard and quite balloon like ~ is it too late? I gave one nipples a tweak, and got a squirt so there's milk there... and im sure I saw it come out while pumping, but one is nearly empty and the other has only about 1oz in it...

Do I aim for a certain oz, or go a certain length of time... & how often?

Many Thanks xxx xxx

OP posts:
Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:25

I was pumping and MNing... Its practically illuminous! DH is off phoning NCT now for me I wasnt green when I pumped when DS was smaller...

Feeling... okish I guess today. My thread's gone up the creek though.

tiktok · 18/12/2006 09:31

Green milk is not that uncommon - it doesn't matter. Orange happens too! It can sometimes be associated with something as everyday as vitamin supplements.

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:33

I don't take vitamin supplements ~ im worried its the diazepam... shall I pump until its normal again, even if its more than 3 days?

tiktok · 18/12/2006 09:34

I am surprised it's necessary to suspend bf for this long - diazepam has a long half life (means it hangs around in the system) but not that long.....and while it's not the greatest thing to get into the milk I do wonder if it's as bad as a 3-day suspension would indicate, given that we know formula has risks, and that only a minority of mums would feel able to express for that long

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:36

it was an overdose...29 of them ...

tiktok · 18/12/2006 09:36

Green milk is normal - it's just a variation It means nothing. Even if it is the diazepam, it doesn't necessarily reflect the active ingredient of it.

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:38

im doing OK with the expressing, im not worried about keeping it up... ive already done 1 and a half days...

DoesntChristmasDragOn · 18/12/2006 09:41

re your thread... Ignore FariyFly... she did something similar to essbee recently. I think she's having a hard time at the moment.

mears · 18/12/2006 09:42

Green looking milk is definitely normal. I also agree that 3 days expressing seems excessive - it is highly unlikely that you absorbed all 29 tablets considering how you are feeling. How you feel just now is a good indicator of how much got into your system.

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:42

is she? Im not sure... I gave the benefit of the doubt... MSNed her, but then someone said I was flippant, and I got stroppy Manybe ill email her ~ I feel bad now.

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:43

well - ill keep it up 3 days to be on the safe side (and DS slept all night last night ) so Ill have a little break aswell 6pm tomorrow will be a breastfeed ~ thats not too long to keep pumping.

DoesntChristmasDragOn · 18/12/2006 09:50

I think she's just having/had a hard time in general rather than anythign specific. Arsey ex etc. @ sleeping baby though. Grrrr. Take care of yourself.

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:54

he went from max of 3 hours, once 5 hours and once 6 hour to 12 last night!

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 09:54

of course I was up on MN and MSN all of it lol

Quootiepie · 18/12/2006 10:00

Rung BFN -they said it will go out of system quickly, and I am OK to breastfeed now, and green is OK. DS seems to love formula though Ill have a good long (last) sleep then back to the 2 hourly slog

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