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Infant feeding

Almost 9 week old breastfeeding problems

4 replies

Octopuses · 27/07/2015 10:16

Up until my baby was 8 weeks last week we were having no issues with feeding. However he now seems to have started screaming during and after feeds, feeding for less time and only settling with his dummy. I've read this could be oversupply but I'm unsure and don't know where to go from here. It only happens in the day time, his evening and night time feeds are still as they always were. He has been gaining well (I've had him weighed every week just to get out of the house to see other mums) but I'm worried this week that he's not getting enough milk. He still has plenty of wet and dirty nappies though. Any advice gratefully welcomed! Thank you

OP posts:
LizzieLou3 · 09/08/2015 20:30

If lots of wet and dirty nappies it sounds like he might have got more efficient so needing less time to feed? If he's then settling with a dummy I wonder if he's just tired and has had enough?

MagpieCursedTea · 04/08/2015 13:55

Have you sought any real life advice? Local bfing group, LLL etc?

If the problems are only happening at certain times of day, can you look at what's different? Are you positioned differently for example?

Octopuses · 04/08/2015 13:06

Bump anyone out there? Still struggling

OP posts:
JiltedJohnsJulie · 27/07/2015 14:03

If he's gaining weight and has wet and dirty nappies, then he sounds like he's getting enough.

Is there a local Bfing Support Group you could go to?

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